Chapter 4 - And They Were Roommates

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It's been a long day for Querl, and there's nothing for washing away the weight of humanity like a hot shower. Querl stretches his wings to the side and lets the water beat down between his shoulder blades. It's exactly what he needs to feel like his old self. Even lesser gods can appreciate the power of steam and the massage setting on a good shower head.

Several minutes later and much more relaxed, Querl strolls out of his bathroom wearing only a towel and a smile. It's been a good first day if Querl does say so himself, and he does. Humility is not a virtue for which Cupids are known, and even if they were, Querl would be far from humble. When asked, he would simply say that humility is saved for those that have reason to be humble. Some call him insufferable, but those are just Cupids who don't know him. In truth, few truly know him. Below the surface, perhaps deep below, Querl is lonely. He is a perfectionate who makes connections for others and yet struggles to connect himself. When you live for the job, it's easy to forget that there's more outside of that. It's easy to forget that helping others find their true love isn't truly the same as finding love for yourself.

"You leave me any hot water?"

"Sprok!" Querl grabs his towel with one hand and his chest with his other as he stumbles backward. "What are you doing in my apartment?"

Nia sits up from where she's lounging on the couch, a pint of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other. "Eating, resting my sore feet, waiting for you to be done so I can take a shower. So, did you?"

"You have your own human apartment. You should be... Is that my Heavenly Hash ice cream?"

Nia takes another spoonful and smiles before pulling the spoon out of her mouth. "Yup, nice choice, very... approprié. Can you pick up some Cherry Garcia? I just love the cherry and chocolate together. It's delish."

"You have your own apartment!"

"Relax. Stress is a killer."

"I'm immortal, but my patience is not. Now, why are you in my apartment and don't tell me it's just to eat my food... which you are replacing."

"Because our mortal personas aren't equally outfitted."

Querl tightens his towel slightly. "What does that mean?"

"It means my assignment was only supposed to be forty-eight hours long when I took on this guise. Nia Nal, cub reporter, was created to tail Kara Danvers, maybe strike up an interview, learn her schedule, and bang! straight through the heart when she was looking at Lena Luthor, not live for hours a day as a human. That's just... inhumane."

Querl shrugs, and his robes appear. He makes his way to the chaise lounge and reclines on one elbow, his wings hanging off the side. "I still fail to see how any of this affects me. I have my apartment, and you have your apartment. They both will suffice for our assignments."

"I have a studio apartment over a bar and next to a train station. The bar plays two kinds of music, country and western. Tonight is line dancing night. Every night is line dancing night. If I have to hear about one more guy whose truck broke his heart when it ran off with his dog or something, I'm just going to fly back and throw myself at the mercy of the court over our communal failure."

"Don't do that. Failure is a very strong word. What we've experienced is a minor setback."

"Says the Cupid in a penthouse apartment. This place has two bedrooms?"

"Well, yes but—"

"Central air?"

"Again yes—"

"Is there a jacuzzi tub in that bathroom?"

Tension forms around Querl's jaw. "I don't like where this is going. You're not staying here. We can't both stay here."

"Okay, then you can stay at my place."

"What? No! I don't know what country or western music are, but I'm almost certain I dislike them both. Anyway, my persona as an inventor who has already trademarked something of value wouldn't live over a bar. Querl Dox needs to have a certain lifestyle in order to rub elbows with Miss Luthor and guide her toward a relationship with Kara Danvers. I'm not moving."

"Final offer." Nia puts the ice cream container onto the coffee table with a bit too much force and snatches her heels off the floor. She brandishes them at Querl. "Do you know what these are?"

"... shoes?"

"High heels. Unlike your shoes, they're not shaped like feet. The toes are pointed, and the heels, as the name would imply, rise to ankle breaking heights. They're also incredibly narrow."

"They look unstable."

"They make you unstable in more ways than one. Querl, either I stay here or you wear these."

Querl examines the shoes with just his eyes. They're a dark blue with a light blue strip and a silver buckle. The thin heels end practically in a point and look more like a weapon than an article of clothing. "I do not think those would fit on my feet."

"Querl," Nia turns one over in her hand, holding it and pointing the heel out at him... threateningly, "I don't care if they go on your feet, but they'll fit on you somewhere... or in you. Do we understand each other?"

With an audible swallow, Querl nods. "The guest bedroom is lovely. There's a set of towels on the end of the bed. If you'd prefer the master, I'm happy to trade. Just be prepared for a waterbed."

"A waterbed? Your bed is wet?"

"No, there's water inside the mattress. It's... wiggly."


Querl shrugs. "At first I thought there were fish in there. There's a hole with a lid, and I thought that was for feeding them, but the mattress isn't see through so... It's a mystery of the ages."

With a shake of her head, Nia rises and heads toward the bathroom. "Humans are weird."

"Extremely. Enjoy your shower. It has a massage setting."

Looking over her shoulder, Nia winks. "Don't wait up."


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