Cavalry Craze

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Todoroki wandered over to Izumi with his hands in his pockets. Tetsutetsu was just walking away to rejoin his class and he scowled after him. 

“What was that about?” Todoroki asked Izumi, his voice a little irked and he had to clear it some. 

“Just making a new friend.” Izumi smiled and waved after Tetsutetsu. “He’s from class B.” 

“I can see that, what did he want?” He grunted a bit, feeling foolish about his obvious jealousy, but could do nothing to suppress it. 

“Todoroki-kun…” She tapped her fingers on her biceps and raised an eyebrow. “What business is it of yours what we talked about?” 

“I thought we were friends…” he used her own words, and got his slapped back in his face.

“Who was it who said we weren’t here to play as friends?” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re taking this hot and cold thing way over the top. Come talk to me when you decide to get your priorities straight.” 

She started to walk away and he grabbed her arm. 

“Hold on-” 

“Let go of me!” she smacked his hand away. “What’s your problem today? You’re normally so calm and stoic that it’s annoying, but today you’re tempermental and judgemental and it’s down right annoying!” 

“Pot calling the kettle,” he retorted. “Where’s your attitude coming from?” 

“I’ve always had an attitude, just ask my brother and Bakugo.” 

“You weren’t this way in class.” 

“Class?” Suddenly her stomach began to hurt. “I think you’ve got me mixed up with my brother.” 

“Have I?” He narrowed his eyes, and had her breath hitching. “Admit it, it’s been you all along.” 

“I…” she didn’t know what to say, or what to do, she started to panic. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 

“Tell me the truth…” he sepped closer, pinning her up on the wall of the stadium, those double pigments staring hard into hers and had her flushing. She could feel his breath on her lips as he spoke in hushed tones so no one would hear. “Your brother has scars on his right hand. When I fought against Midoriya in battle class his glove ripped off. There were no scars then.” He lifted her hand showing the smooth undamaged skin. 

“Don’t…” her breath hitched again and shook. Her eyes went pleading as she saw there was no way to talk out of this one. “Please don’t tell, you don’t understand!” 

“I do… I’m pretty sure I know exactly why you pretended to be him. I just wanted you to admit it.” He kissed her fingertips. “Now then, don’t you feel better?” 

“You… you bastard… I…. DAMN IT YOU’RE TOO CLOSE!” She pushed on him and he let her. “Why did you want me to admit it so bad if you already knew why I did it?” 

“I just wanted confirmation. It would be awkward if I fell for the wrong Midoriya.” He waved a hand and walked off leaving her gaping after him.

~Event #2~

“Ten million points…” Poor Izuku… Izumi sighed. She felt really bad for her brother after the terms of the second round cavalry event were announced. As the leader heading into this event, Izuku’s head was worth more than the rest of the points combined. Which meant whoever wore it would be the leader going into the finals.  

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