Twin Bond

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Inko Midoriya was pronounced dead at 12:43pm on her children’s 12th birthday. She’d been preparing their birthday dinner, when a storage fire had caused the apartment building she was living in to explode. 

Izuku and Izumi Midoriya, her twins, had thankfully been at school, but had come to find they had no home or mother to welcome them. Originally it was believed both of them were quirkless… but that horrific event had triggered something inside them. As they clung to each other, screaming in grief, their deep seeded quirks activated. Both of them possessed the quirks to enhance their body’s natural abilities, their cries of agony became shockwaves, their grips on each other put bruises on the skin, and when the cops tried to console them, both ran, their speed, even as they clenched each other’s hands, was unmatchable. 

They ditched and dodged the police for hours, refusing to be taken in because they knew where it would take them. However, they were two 12 year old kids, with no family, and where to go.

“What are we gonna do now, Izuku?” Izumi cried as they sat on a bench near the train station. It was now dark outside. The air crisp and cool with fall, and Izuku pulled off his jacket to drape it around his sister. “Where can we go? We don’t have anyone left.” 

“I don’t know… but we can’t stay here.” Izuku clenched his hands in his pants pockets. The effects of their quirks had worn off, both were tired, and sore from the exertion of power. “If we stay, they might separate us. We can’t let that happen, we’re all each other has now.” 

“We can’t just keep running, what about school? What about mom’s body and her funeral arrangements, what about-” her mind whirling with worries and grief Izumi started to go into panic mode.

“Izumi and Izuku Midoriya…” a voice called out and had both of them jerking their heads up. They got to their feet when they saw the police badge and both looked ready to run but he held his hands up for peace. “Easy… my name is Detective Tsukauchi. I’m a friend.” 

“You won’t take me away from my sister! I know the law says you have to put us into juvenile services but you have to keep us together, otherwise we’ll just keep running!” Izuku boldly told him and had Tsukauchi smiling. 

“That won’t be necessary, Midoriya-kun. According to the records we have, the rightful guardian is listed and I’ll be taking you to him.” He put a hand over his heart. “I swear it to you.” 

“What?” Izumi came out from behind him. “Our mom didn’t have any family left… our grandparents died when we were babies.” 

“Wait… our father?” Izuku suddenly spoke up. “Is it our father?” 

“No, but why don’t I let him make the introductions. Come.” He motioned them to his car. “You’ve both have had a long day. I’m sure you’re tired and could use some food and sleep.” 

The two of them looked at each other, and gripping each other’s hands they nodded and walked with him. They were taken to the police station where they were fed, and able to take small naps in the breakroom. At nearly one in the morning the doors to the station opened, and a short elderly man walked in hobbling on a cane. It surprised them both to see he was wearing a hero’s costume. 

“So, these are my new wards, huh?” Gran Torino tapped his cane smiling. “Good evening.” 

“Um, excuse me, but who are you?” Izuku asked keeping a protective arm around his sister. 

“You can call me Grandpa Torino… and I’ll be taking your charge as of today. I’ve finished the paperwork, so come on you two, I’ll take you to my home.” He turned and waited for them. Izuku and Izumi looked to each other, teary eyed and worn, but followed obediently.

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