Chapter Six

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Hey my loves, I finally had a few days where the pain levels were more bearable so I spent it baking with the kids. I haven't done that in so long and it was amazing to have that with them again.  Anyway, this is the last chapter before the Epilogue. As I said when I started this, it is just a sweet, short and fast paced little story to bring a smile to your face. I truly hope you guys liked this and let me know if you want more of these. I have a few more ideas for short stories and they aren't all BDSM related, lol.

Ricardo's POV

Waking up, I felt slightly confused when I realised the room was lit up dimly with late afternoon shadows. Then I remembered what happened earlier in the day and I fully woke up, smiling at the beautiful man sleeping next to me.

He was on his stomach, facing away from me, so I lay there admiring the strong muscles rippling under his skin every time his hand or arm twitched in his sleep. Lucky for Cal, the sheet was covering the lower half of his body, because my perverted mind wouldn't have been able to behave if I had seen it so soon after our amazing morning together.

Judging by the lighting in the room, we had slept well into the afternoon, and it was starting to get dark outside. I had to wake Cal, or he wouldn't be able to sleep later tonight.

I also had to check in with the person I had watching Cal's apartment and Ryan. I needed to know he had left before I spoke to Cal about his future and where I wanted this to go.

I was feeling a little bit nervous that he might reject my idea, but I pushed it deep down and tried not to think about it for now.

Pushing my doubts down once again, I leaned over him and kissed lightly just below his ear. I heard a quiet groan slip out his mouth, so I licked the spot, before biting down on it. 

I watched as his eyes shot open, pupils dilated and his cheeks flushing a beautiful shade of pink. He lowered his eyes when he realised I was looking at him and smiled shyly, melting my heart even more.

"Hi." He whispered softly and I grinned down at him before planting a quick kiss on his cheek, causing them to become a darker shade of pink.

"Hi, baby. How are you feeling?" Hopefully he wasn't too sore, because then I would feel like absolute crap for hurting him.

His eyes lit up and his lips pulled up into a huge smile when I asked that and I felt myself let go of the breath I had been holding.

"I'm feeling great, Master. A little bit sore, but in a good way." My heart burst when he called me Master and I pulled him into my arms so quickly, he yelped in shock.

"You are amazing, baby. Thank you for being such a good boy for me." I mumbled into his hair and he put his arms around my body and squeezed me hard.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you, not the other way around. You have no idea how much this morning meant to me." He whispered against shoulder and snuggled himself closer to me.

"How about we get dressed, then get something to eat. You must be starving by now. Then we can discuss a few things afterwards." I suggested and I felt him smile against my skin as he nodded in agreement.

I just hoped that he would agree to my proposal, because I couldn't see myself going a day without this sweet man in my life.

I planted a quick kiss against his hair and gave him a hug, before we both pulled away and got up.  Cal's cheeks became a pretty shade of dark pink when I got up, stark naked, and went to my closet. I smirked when my back was turned towards him, enjoying the feel of his eyes on me. Call it vanity, call me a narcissist, but I loved the feeling of being wanted as much as Cal wanted me.

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