Chapter One

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Hey guys, I hope this story can help cheer you up. It's just going to be pure fluff and cuteness, apart from this first chapter, with a dash of sexiness thrown in. Hope you like it.

Cal's POV

Walking down the road towards my apartment, I can't help the smile that forms on my face. Master is going to be so happy that I was able to get off work early today.

He's always complaining that my long hours at work are starting to get in the way of our relationship. I really wish I had more time to spend with him, but we need the money at the moment, just until he finds a more permanent position.

I've been with Master for about a year now, and even though we don't actually love each other, we had a good thing going. Besides, it's not like many Doms would actually want me.

You see, I wasn't your average petite and cute Sub. I was 6'1 in height and pure muscle from all the time I spend at the gym, which is where I work as a personal trainer.

It's also where I met Master Ryan. He came in a few times and I was a bit oblivious to his flirting at first, not thinking he would want someone who was almost bigger than him. But then, one night he plainly stated his interest in me. He also explained that he was a Dominant and I was so happy, because I had been without a Master for almost two years by then.

Our relationship started almost immediately and we had been inseparable since then. Shortly afterwards he moved in with me, because his company was downsizing and he was let go so he needed a place to stay.

It wasn't a perfect relationship by any means, but I trusted him with everything in me and I knew that eventually I would love him. We just had too much stress at the moment.

I got to my apartment building and saw Master Ryan's car in the parking lot, so I knew he was home. Maybe we would actually be able to play a scene today. It's been a while, and I blamed my working hours for that.

I hurried inside and pushed the button for the elevator. Luckily I didn't have to wait too long and before I knew it, I was on my way to the sixth floor.

When it stopped, I got out and made my way to my door, fumbling to get my keys out of my pocket. Finally, I got the door open and let out a sigh of relief once I was inside and I had closed the door behind me.

I didn't see Master Ryan anywhere, so I made my way down the hallway, towards our bedroom, tugging my shirt off as I went.

Just as I reached to open the bedroom door I heard a soft thump coming from inside. Worried that Master might have gotten hurt, I quickly opened the door and stepped inside.

They view that greeted me though, was not of Master being hurt, but of Master on top of a tiny twink, pounding into the much smaller guy. The thump I heard, seemed to be coming from the headboard hitting the wall every now and then.

The two men on the bed immediately stopped as they heard the door hitting the wall as it opened and they turned to me. The smaller guy was really pretty, with big blue eyes and blond hair. His slight frame covered in smooth ivory skin.

Master's eyes were wide in shock as he looked at me, "Baby wait, it doesnt mean any....."

I wasn't going to listen to his excuses, so I turned and ran. My eyes were rapidly filling with tears and my heart felt like it was shattered into a thousand pieces.

Just as I reached the elevator, I heard my apartment door slam open. I pushed the button rapidly, hoping it will open before Ryan could get to me. He was no longer my Master after what he did. Trust was a very big part in a Dom/Sub relationship and he just broke mine.

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