Chapter Four

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Hey my loves. I am so happy to be feeling better, pneumonia is no joke, lol. Anyway, I'm going to keep quiet now and let u get on with the chapter.

Ricardo's POV

I was trying really hard to keep the grin off my face as I watched Cal.  I knew exactly what he was up to and I also knew I was more than up for the challenge, but I didn't want to give it away just yet. I was having far too much fun playing his little game.

Everything had been going beautifully, when suddenly, halfway through breakfast, he decided to become a bit of a brat. I had just given him a glass of orange juice, which he finished and then he proceeded to try his best to irritate me, by hitting a spoon against the side of it.

I had asked him to stop twice, before he huffed and threw the spoon down on the table. I was taken aback a bit by this sudden change in his behaviour, but when he raised his eyes to look at me, I could see the amusement and challenge in his eyes.

I didn't get to where I was in life by being a fool, so I realised very quickly what he was up to. The little sweetheart was trying to test me, probably to see if I would be able to handle it and how I would handle it.

I swallowed down the grin that was threatening to break across my face and kept a stern gaze and finished my breakfast.

As soon as we were both done, I took the dishes and put them away in the dishwasher and watched as he went off in the direction of the lounge.  I lingered for a few minutes, trying to think of what else he might have in store for me and I couldn't help the excitement I felt bubbling up inside of me. Two could play this game sweetheart.

I made my way to the lounge and saw his sitting on the couch, his head thrown back and he looked relaxed. I watched him in silence for a minute or two and I felt my heart beat faster. He was truly a beautiful man.

I cleared my throat as I walked into the lounge and sat down next to him. I left a bit of space between us and I saw him glance down at the gap with a disappointed frown on his face. He quickly masked his expression though and looked up at me, lifting an enquiring brow.

"Care to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours, Cal?" I asked, my voice stern and leaving no room for argument. I saw the slight hitch in his breathing, but other than that, he managed to keep his face from betraying anything.

"I don't know what you mean." He dismissed and turned away from me. I felt the slight irritation at being dismissed like that, but I pushed it down.

"Okay, moving on then. What are your plans now that you will have that sorry excuse out of your life?" This should be safer to talk about and it will help him to put everything into perspective.

"Oh, I haven't actually thought about it. I think that I will probably just have some fun for a while, enjoy being single." Once again he had a very dismissive tone in his voice and I didn't like what he was implying. 

I didn't think he was the type to jump from one bed partner to another. Cal was made for loving, not for fucking and leaving. He deserved so much more than that.

"You would really do that? Have casual sex, jump from partner to partner? I didn't think you were the type, to be honest." I managed to inject just the right amount of disdain into my voice, and I saw his expression change to slight hurt and a whole lot of anger.

"Why not, huh? Why can't I do what every other fucking guy does? Am I not good enough for that kind of life? Why is it, that every other fucking man out there can do what they please, treat people how they please, but the minute I mention doing it, then it's a damn joke. Is that all I am to you, Ricardo? A fucking joke?" I watched in stunned silence as the tears poured down his face, before he jumped up and ran out the room.

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