Fubuki X Demon Reader

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This story was requested by Carly_Cake

(Y/N)=Your Name
(F/C)= Favourite Colour
S: Shu

Gaminghuffleuff: Note to readers,you the reader in this story is a demon. If you need references just think of Nezeko Kamado from Demon Slayer. Also, Shu is your brother in this story, he's also a demon UwU. Not only that, you guys are kinda linked to your beyblades as they're a bit like your Yoshiros. Yoshiros are like batteries, they help to boost both of your abilities and powers as demons.They are also things/objects that you hold dearly onto. Anyways on with the story.

Also IMPORTANT, the GIFs used in this story is mostly just for reference of how things go down/ how the scenario happens.

Fubuki's POV

"You sure you know what you're doing?" I cautioned Shu. Shu was training for his upcoming match against Phi.

"Yeah. It's about time someone put an end to his rampage." Affirmed Shu, looking dead serious as he got into his launching stance. Well he wasn't exactly wrong, Phi has been overdoing things and it has to end, like he has already broken or come close to breaking so many beyblades.

Just when Shu was about to launch and battle against the training bots, we heard a rustling of leaves coming from the potted plants downstairs. "What was that?" I questioned.

Shu just smiled and continued "Hey sis, don't be shy you can come out."

From behind the potted plants emerged (Y/N), Shu's little sister.

Honestly, she is one of the most mysterious members of the Raging Bulls. She's cute AF but we barely know anything about her as she's rarely around and she doesn't speak. Oh and she also wears this muzzle? (Just refer to Nezuko, but it's up to you to imagine the muzzle your wearing)

(Y/N) slowly made her way up the stairs and her eyes seemed to be saying something.

"Oh so you heard the news too huh? Ya no worries, I ain't gonna lose to him ok."Comforted Shu, giving a warm smile to his sis. Man they really seemed to have a language of their own.

Upon hearing that, (Y/N) walked up to Shu and patted his head. Shu chuckled, "It's getting late. I think we should call it a day."

"Sure, see both of you tomorrow." I said as I bid them goodbye.


It was about to hit midnight soon, as I was about to hit the straw. Something caught my eye. From my room's window, I saw a somewhat familiar figure, it seemed to be jumping from roof and window to window of the skyscrapers??? TF!?!?

I don't know why but I feel like I should go and investigate cause I'm very sure that I'm not dreaming....

Your POV

The night breeze felt so refreshing. You thought to yourself as you jumped from roof to roof and window to window. Being a demon in the human world is tough, it feels really weird having to talk to your food. You don't know how your brother does it but he is able to restrain himself so well that blood doesn't even faze him. I mean, he truly does have a will of steel.

At the moment, you're currently learning how to suppress your bloodthirst and any other demon quirks you have. I mean, that's the reason why you even wear this muzzle in the first place. Once you learn to control yourself, then you could finally remove this muzzle.

"MEOW!!!!HISSSSS!!!" You heard a fierce hiss come from down below in an alley as you passed a building. You looked down, only to find a bunch of thugs bullying a mother cat and her kittens by throwing rocks and trash at them.

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