Xavier x Reader

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(T/N)= Team Name
(U/N)= Username
(Y/N)=Your Name
(L/N)=Last Name

This story was requested by @FlamingHotTacos51

Your POV

"There you have it folks, (Esports T/N) has done it again. And it's thanks to their MVP, give it up for the one the only, (U/N)!" Roared the announcer, causing the crowd to go wild.

Your team has yet again clinched champion at the League of Legends World Championship. You yourself is a huge esports star, not only that your a professional blader too. Talk about overkill.

After the winner's conference and interview, your team and you got ready to have a celebration. "Hey (Y/N), wanna join us, you deserve this victory more than anyone of us?" Asked one of your teammates.

"Sorry guys, gotta pack and get ready for the next gig. It's gonna be a long one and not only that, I gotta be at the jetty by 8am." You politely refused.

"Ok, win it for the team and remember, we're rooting for you fam." Encouraged one of your teammates, giving you a thumbs up.

"BTW, you still owe me that 1v1 match (Y/N)!" Joked another teammate giving you a salute.


"Welcome everyone to the battleship cruise, now it's time to introduce our bladers.First up we have....." Yapped the blader DJ over the PA system.

Ok, so apparently your the only girl on the ship cause yes 😏.Well, it's not the only time you've been the only female as esports is full of testosterone as well.

Anywho, in a shellnut, your competitors are a guy who's really loud and literally has an infinite supply of hair bands in his pocket. A guy who's kinda all talk and no bite but gotta love the hairspray he uses. A Shu Kurenai 2.0, an archer, a "leopard" boy... To top it off, you'll also be up against a dude who's apparently immortal and some creepy guy in a kitsune fox mask. Oh and there's a prince too. Boom.

"Well, this gotta be interesting." You chuckled to yourself, impressed by the competition.

"And last but not least, give it up for esports star and legendary blader (Y/N) (L/N)!" Screamed the announcer, he was literally having a blast up there.

You gave a wave to the crowd, causing them to go nuts.

"Anyways enough talk, we'll be kicking things off with a battle royale!" Continued the announcer.

Anyways Phi won the battle Royale, on the bright side, you came in second and that's better than nothing. After that you decided to hit the hay and also practice a little bit of League of Legends.


Beyeen: Good morning bladers, Beyeen here.Hope you all rested well. The next round on the battleship cruise will be a tag-team battle.

" Cool beans, I wonder who I'm paired up with." You said as you crossed your fingers and hoped for the best, looking at the jumbo screen with anticipation.

Beyeen: Here are the pairs, Kyle and Hae-jin
Ranjiro and Suoh
Fubuki and Laban
Phi and Aiger
And lastly, (Y/N) and Xavier.

"Huh, so I'm with the prince. Well could've been worse."You sighed with relief. Now time to find your partner and get ready for the next round.

Xavier's POV

Call me crazy but ever since I first laid my eyes on (Y/N) (L/N), I felt a zing. Like there was just something that drew me to her. Maybe it was the way she talked or just her amazing personality....

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