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The last few missions had been interesting. We got lost on the edges of Space time and a lot of people were becoming delusional. Just walking down the hall to my lab from the bridge was strange. People acting strangely, other beings following them or just them talking to thin air. I had no such issues and instead focused on my work.

Then we lost the Captain to an energy being in a very interesting energy storm. Of course, after that, there was the 'Paradise planet.' I refused to go, because paradise planets were always bad news. I was right of course, young Wes almost died. Of course, there was also the Ferangi. Any issues that came up from it were communicated from my lab.

After that, there was a second Q incident. One that gave both Riker and myself the power of the Q. Power that I didn't use and Riker almost became a victim to. Today though, I was called from my lab to go with the away team to Data's home planet. When we beamed down, I was astounded.

The entire planet was dead. No vegetation, insects, or soil bacterium. "Recording signal locked onto the Enterprise, sir." Tasha was using her Tricorder. I walked around with Geordi and Data. Riker was correct on the fact that this looked like anything but farmland. I was inclined to agree.

I wonder what Data thought about all of this. "This is the exact position in the Tripoli log. Do you recognise anything, Data?" How could anyone recognise anything here? Everything must have looked different.

But then, I'm no expert on android memories. "The land contours are familiar, sir. Topographically, this is the correct area."

Finishing my readings on the soil I decided to speak. What was I here for, if not to provide information about the planet. "If this was once rich farmland, it was about twenty or thirty years ago." Data said he was discovered twenty-six years ago. "So this whole planet died within that time frame. I wonder what could have possibly done this, but based on the evidence. Everything was already dead or dying by that point."

Pointing to our south, Data informed us that he was found twenty meters in that direction. So we headed out to check it over. There was a man built staircase that we made our way down. "Data, any idea at all why you were given the colonists' memories?"

Tasha asked as she walked behind him. "I've always felt that it was done hurriedly but I know little more. Here, sir. This is where the cruiser's landing party found the signal device that led them here. And they found me lying there."

There was a smooth tablet of stone lying out in the open, just under the rock face. "You were just lying out in the open? No identity record, no instructions?" Tasha asked, she sounded almost concerned.

Data just shook his head. "Only a layer of dust." Riker asked what the first thing he remembered was. "Opening my eyes... looking into the eyes of the Tripoli landing party. They believed that the signal device sensed their presence and activated me." Whatever happened, that still didn't explain the dead planet.

I wandered around a bit, away from the landing party but not out of sight. When I heard a loud resounding click I turned back to the group. The stone that had been behind the platform moved showing a secret door. Curious. I quickly followed everyone into the hallway behind the door. At first it looked just like any cave, with dirt on the ground.

It soon led into an actual hallway, built by the scientist. Riker managed to turn the lights on. "No life readings in here either, sir. Our boots clicked on the floor as we walked. Making it to the first door, it showed what I assumed to be some form of lab. I looked around careful not to touch anything.

This place was incredible. "The colonists' laboratory-- extremely well-equipped. (Y/n) must be having a field day in here." I gave a small nod. "Does this stir any memories, Data?"

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