Ferangi Trouble

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Stardate 41386.4, there were some strange happenings in my lab. An energy drain pulling the power from several systems around the ship. So, figuring we were having engine trouble and I headed into engineering. From what I could make out we were contained in some sort of field that took our antimatter converters and drained the power from them. Slowly, we would lose more and more power to every system ship wide.

This would pose a problem when it hit our life-support systems. "(Y/n), what are you doing down here?" I turned to see La Forge walking in and looking over some data.

Turning to fully face him I stood at attention, hands behind my back. "Mr. La Forge. I came down to inspect our energy output as my lab was having issues and I noted the shipwide problem." As Riker came in I continued my assessment. "From what I can tell, given the current information, the force field that holds this ship is compensating almost as fast as we can increase power. The difference being a .372 millisecond delay."

Riker walked up to us as I finished my assessment. "What does that mean exactly?"

Lifting my hands I decided to give a visual explanation. "Essentially, we push and they push back with an equal amount of force. Like trying to push two same charged magnets together. Neither will give and move in the pushed direction. Sir."

Riker walked away as La Forge looked over some readings on his computer. "What's our acceleration delay between slow-reverse impulse and top warp speed?" He looked to La Forge as I started working on some other calculations to try to compensate for our power drainage.

La Forge lifted his head slightly. "Well, that's 300 milliseconds but there's... Ah, I see where you're going. We shift down then kick hard into warp nine. Yeah, come back fighting! Whoo-ee!" Whoo-ee? I raised a brow but let them get excited.

As the men continued to talk I helped Jordi start on the shift. "(Y/n), when you're done helping Mr. La Forge head to the bridge. Your assistance could prove useful." I gave a slight nod, muttering an acknowledgement as I focused on my work.

After we finished Jordi walked with me back to the bridge. "All systems ready, Captain. And communication now restored to engineering."

The captain seemed rather pleased with this. "Excellent, La Forge." I took a place beside Data's seat. "Now, let's uh... Let's throw them off guard. Lieutenant Yar, open hailing frequencies." I wasn't going to deny the interest I had in whatever the Captain had planned. "At least we won't begin with weakness." Hmm. "Attention Ferengi starship, This is CAptain Jean-Luc Pikard of the USS Enterprise. In the name of the United Federation of Planets I demand that you return the T-9 energy converter you removed from Gamma Tauri IV."

Well, that was one way to do it when we were ready to start the full power blast into warp nine, I held onto the side of the monitor for support. It was going to get bumpy and if we were off, we wouldn't be going anywhere. When we went to warp, we did manage to get some distance but not much.

The main lighting on the bridge went out as well, taking almost a minute to come back up. "Merde." My lips formed a hard line hearing our captain curse in french, but that did give us something. "Shields up." Just as the shields were about to raise, I looked down to Data's screens.

Something was happening. "Data... what is this?"

Data didn't look at me. Examining his screens. "Captain, I think you'd better see this." Standing from his seat, Picard walked over to Data's other side asking what was wrong. "Someone is reading every file, every bit of information stored in the enterprise memory banks."

My eyes widened. "My lab. I've got to go check my lab. I'll be right back, Captain. But the information in my lab is top-secret and under heavy firewalls. I need to make sure that they are computating from this hacking."

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