First Days pt 2

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I could still feel the overwhelming presence of whatever creature was here. "No... no, absolutely not. And I find nothing helpful or productive in any of this." He was definitely growing aggravated with the questioning. Whatever he was trying to hide was getting harder to cover up.

The captain seemed to regard him carefully. "And that's it? No other comment?"

The man's voice rose in pitch almost sneering at us. "Well, what do you expect of us? We offer you a base designed to your needs luxurious by even human standards..." He was seething. The questions were hitting nerves to this thing he was hiding.

Our captain remained calm about the whole thing. "While evading even our simplest questions about it. We'll adjourn for now, while we all reconsider our positions." Following the captain to the door was really all there was left to do.

Groppler walked around the desk seeming to have calmed some. "Captain! The Ferengi would be very interested in a base like this!"

Picard shrugged it off. "Fine. Let's hope they find you as tasty as they did their past associates." With that we left the room. I followed just behind Riker the door closing just behind me. When we returned to the Enterprise I gave a debrief of what my mind touched as best I could. With only a half Vulcan blood and not having touched the creature it was hard to describe.

That job done I was released to my quarters until Mr. Riker had need of me. I had no problem with this given I still had things to unpack. I started by placing books my mother gave me on a shelf. My favorite authors of course. Father on the other hand had given me a few Vulcan relics. Those I set up on display on my living room.

It... it almost reminded me of home. Mothers few human items that she always had, mostly books. My father always had a few Vulcan items everywhere. He took his heritage seriously, and because of that my mother put up with a lot. She loves him dearly though, always saying that he saved her. From the stories McCoy and Kirk tell, I believe it. I believe that because of my father, my mother was able to gain some semblance of a normal life back.

Because of him, I was able to do something with my life. Sure, sometimes the man could be... hard. When around my uncles especially, but he always made sure we knew he loved us. I finally took out a photo, one with the three of us. My mother putting up a smile as my father held her shoulder. I was smaller, about twelve years old. My father looked so proud as he pulled me close to his chest.

I had just gotten accepted into the Vulcan Academy of sciences. We were taking a commemorative photo. One that we each got a copy of, my mother had one in her office, my father carried it with him. I always kept mine in my room, just next to my bed. Placing it in its rightful place.

Just after I set it down my door rang. "Come." Hearing the door open I looked around the corner, standing there were Data and Commander Riker. "Are we heading back down Commander?"

He gave a small smile while nodding. Data seemed to be looking around at everything. I think he was just starting to understand what kind of person I was. Either that or he was noting that I really was half Vulcan. We still had work to do, so as soon as my door closed we headed out.

On the planet with us were Mr. Laforge, Counselor Troi, and one of the security officers. "Recommend that someone could begin by examining the underside of the station, sir."

I walked with my hands folded neatly behind my back. "Our sensors still show some passages, sir. Perhaps you and I." I raised a brow slightly. My mother always did that when she wanted alone time with my father. It was her way of letting him know that, being as she didn't know how else to express it.

As for whether the commander caught on or not was entirely different. "Tasha you and the Counselor with (Y/n). And Geordi, I want your eyes down there. You and I will start topside." I watched Riker walk away with Data.

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