Questions, Questions, Questions

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Stardate 41416.2, a strange man came by my lab. He came with an admiral when we were dropping Wes off to take his entrance exam into starfleet. I had been doing some routine tests when he came. He was punching things into a red PAD rather quickly, and didn't talk much. "Can I help you with something..."

I let my voice trail off as I waited for a name. "Remmick. Not at the moment, but I will want to ask you some questions. When I am ready for you." My brow furrowed as I stared at him as he continued to type away. Shaking my head, I tried my best to ignore him.

He left about thirty minutes later, something about needing to speak with Commander Riker. "Finally, the Flaked Bug Flea is leaving. Now I can do actual work." I muttered.

It wasn't until a few hours into my work did he come back with his questions. I was working on some species research at the time and so just stared into the microscope as he shot question after question. "So you must say, Captain Picard had no control over this vessel. He handed it over to Kosinski who took the entire crew to the edge of the universe."

To that I glanced up. "No. Where would you get that conclusion in my rather logical rendition of how things happened. Kosinski was sent by Starfleet to improve our warp drive. We were ordered to take him aboard."

This guy just didn't know when to let up. "According to his own logs his bridge crew didn't think highly of Mr. Kosinski's theories. Your own logs support that assessment as you stated that the formula used never should have worked at all. You even advised him as such. Yet the Captain allowed him to access the engines anyway.Is that true, (Y/n)?"

I let out a long sigh. "No sir. Yes, the Captain did lose control of the ship, but it was because he was following Starfleet's orders. He will always follow Starfleet's orders. Next question."

He seemed to want a different answer but wasn't getting it from me. "Do you believe the Captain is emotionally and psychologically fit for command of this starship? There's nothing in his history or personality that would suggest, uh... mental lapses?" To that I frowned.

Why would I assume otherwise? "Yes. The Captain has done an excellent job of taking care of the Enterprise. So much so that I know not only my father and mother would have served under him but so would my uncles. Uncle Kirk would have loved to serve side by side with him."

Remmick typed something down in his notes. "Not even the Ferengi incident aboard his old starship, the Stargazer?"

To that I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the samples I was examining. "Not even that, sir. He was being controlled by a mind-altering machine, without his knowledge. It does not count as a mental lapse if it is done by an outside force."

This man just smirked. "I would call that 'a mental lapse.'" How was that a mental lapse? Fool doesn't even know what he's talking about. "As a Vulcan you cannot lie correct?"

Giving up on this test I stood and disposed of the sample. Turning my full attention to him. "That is incorrect sir. I am first and foremost only Half Vulcan, like my father. Second, a Vulcan can lie if given the correct circumstance such as a mission that requires such."

I watched as he looked to my door before leaning close to me, a computer the only thing between us. "There is a problem with this ship, Lieutenant (Y/n). It's in the records. Somewhere. I need your help to find it."

Leaning back in my chair I crossed my legs. "All of the ship's records are available to you, sir. As this line of questioning has proven."

He still wasn't budging an inch. "But this information is very cleverly hidden." He paused, looking to the door again. "Your captain is not what he appears to be. Do not forget that you have loyalty to Starfleet above all else."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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