Tashas Interview

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Laura's POV

I'm sitting in the waiting room with a ice pack on my black eye while Taylor is in emergency surgery. She went into cardiac arrest and from all of the kicks to her chest and stomach she broke a rib and was bleeding internally. My entire body aches from the punches, the crying, everything just hurts. I decide to text the Orange Family.

Laura: Hey you guys, can we have a group call..something bad happened to Taylor and I

As soon as I sent the text my phone lights up with a Orange Family call. I pick up and sigh "Hey you guys."

Tasha: "Hey Pre, are you guys okay?"

Yael: "Yeah I saw in the news that you two got jumped in a alleyway, is that true?"

Shit, how the hell did the news pick up on this already.

Laura: "Yeah..how the hell did the news pick up on it so quickly"

Laverne: "Well honey when things happen to a celebrity it spreads like wildfires for media outlets"

Danielle: "Yeah so Laura, what the hell happened and are you okay?"

Laura: "Yeah I'm okay, just a few scrapes and a black eye but Taylor..."

My voice trails off, cracking at the end as I grip the waiting chairs arm.

Tasha: "Shit Pre..is Taylor okay?"

Laura: "..I-I don't know you guy's.."

I start to cry, my tears flowing down my face at an unstoppable rate.

Laura: "She had this huge gash on the back of her head and..fuck..and on the way to the hospital she went into cardiac arrest..I can't fucking lose her..I love her so fucking much"

I sob into the phone, my entire body shaking as I think about losing my Taylor.

Danielle: "Holy shit Laura.."

Yael: "Don't worry sweetheart she's gonna be okay, we're here for you.."

Tasha: "Yeah Pre, all of us are here for you and Taylor. Do you need anything? Food? Water?"

My stomach turns, I feel like throwing up at the thought of eating while Taylor is hurt.

Laura: "No I'm okay..thanks you guys"

Yael: "Well if you need anything we're here. One phone call away."

Laura: "Thanks you guys, it means a lot"

Natashas POV

As we end the phone call I walk into a booth that my interview is being conducted at. I stand behind the microphone and put the headphones on, tapping my fingers on the desk as the interviewer starts asking the questions.

About halfway through the interview she asks "How do you deal with bad days on set?" I laugh softly and look at her. "Everyone's human, we all have bad days on set. Our entire cast is like a family so if one person has a bad day on set, everyone will do their best to cheer them up like Danielle cracking jokes or Taylor making sure that they've eaten enough. It's really an amazing thing when you look at it, even though all of us came from different places..this show brings us together and makes us a family." I respond, talking with my hands. She nods her head and smiles, asking another question "Is there any cases where a person on your cast will not talk to anyone on their bad day?" I nod my head and chuckle as I think. "Yeah, Schilling...Taylor Schilling. When she has a bad day she doesn't want to talk to anyone except her Laura Prepon the entire day. It's kinda cute because she'll snap at some people and shut herself out but as soon as Laura checks up on her and talks to her..it's like Taylor is herself again."

(A/n: in an interview Natasha actually noted that when Taylor was having a bad day on set she only wanted to speak to Laura outside of filming)

Taylor's POV

I wake up slowly with a oxygen mask strapped to my face, my head is pounding and it feels like I'm on drugs. A nurse is in my room and I try to sit up, a strangled cry coming out as I feel a sharp pain as I try to move. The nurse rushes over to my side and lays me back down gently. "Woah there love, you have a broken rib and we had to do emergency surgery so you can't move for a while." She says softly, checking my vitals. "L-Laura?" I look around, panicking as I don't know where the raven haired girl is. "Who?" She asks, looking at me and taking off my oxygen mask, placing it to the side. "Where's Laura?" I strangle out, my throat feeling dry as my eyes fill up with tears. She hands me a cup of water with a straw in it and checks a clipboard. "Laura Prepon?" She asks and I nod my head frantically. "She's in the waiting room sweetheart, I'll go get her" she says and walks out of the room, closing the door behind me. As I lay back my mind starts racing, what the hell happened? Everything is so fucking foggy..the last thing I remember is being launched against the wall. As I'm lost deep in my thoughts the nurse opens the door, Laura following close behind her. An immediate smile cracks on my face as she runs up to the side of my bed. "Taylor! Baby you're okay..holy shit you're okay" she starts crying, holding my hand and kissing me gently. I cup her cheek and kiss her lips multiple times. "Laura.." I whisper sweetly, a smile on my face. The nurse leaves the room to give us a minute and I turn to Laura. I frown softly and cup her face, kissing her black eye gently. "Baby are you okay?" I whisper worriedly, my thumb caressing her cheek. She smiles softly and pulls up a chair, sitting next to my bed. "Baby I should be asking you that. It's just a black eye" she laughs but I frown. "Does it hurt baby?" I ask and she kisses me softly. "I'm okay love, how are you feeling baby Tay?" she hums softly, holding my hand. I shrug, "The painkillers make everything numb but it still hurts like hell to move and my heads really dizzy" I say, laying my head back. "You went into cardiac arrest Tay, I thought I was gonna lose you.." Laura whispers, her voice cracking. I shake my head, well the best I can since I have stitches and a bandage on the back of my head. "I'm never leaving you Laura, you're never loosing me." My hands coming up and cupping her rosy face, her eyes puffy from crying. I try and sit up to kiss her again but I wince, flipping back down and holding my side. "This fucking sucks Laur" I say, looking at her. She places her hand on my side and rubs it softly, kissing my forehead. "I know baby, I already called Jenji and your manager and everything is already worked out. In a few weeks we'll start shooting again." She says and I nod my head, focusing on her voice as a pounding in my head starts. "Laur my head is pounding" I mumble softly, she wraps me up in her arms gently and I lay my head in her chest. Laura rubs my temples softly and runs her hands through my matted hair. "I called the diner to see if there's any alleyway cameras and they said they do have cameras and they'll review the footage later." Laura hums, kissing my nose and cheek. I laugh bitterly but wince as it hurts to even laugh. "They're never gonna get her" I say, holding Laura's hand. "Trust me, when we were dating she pulled some crazy shit on people and never got caught. We just have to stay as far away from her as possible." I say, cupping Laura's cheek. She smiles softly and nods her head, smoothing out my hospital gown "The Family was really worried about you Tay" she says, looking up at me somberly. "You told them?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, Yael said that she was gonna send you a care package" she laughs and I smile. I love her smile, her laugh, the way she talk, the way she holds herself, everything..I love her. "I love you Laura" I say out of the blue, making her smile that beautiful smile. "I love you Taylor"

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