What the actual fuck?

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~Time skip you a few days after the storm~

Taylor's POV

I'm sitting on my couch, reading one of my favorite books, How to Be a Woman, when my phone buzzes. I close my book and set it down as I reach over to grab my phone on the coffee table. I unlock my phone and a immediate smile comes across my face.

From Laura ❤️:
Hey babe, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the small diner downtown?

I immediately text back:

To Laura ❤️:
Yes please, pick me up in 30?

As soon as I sent it she immediately texted back, confirming that she would be at my place in 30 minutes. I get off of the couch and take a quick shower before wearing a striped navy blue shirt, light washed jeans, and vans. I apply a light amount of makeup before going around and cleaning up my room. Just as I finish making my bed my doorbell rings. I walk down the stairs and run my hands through my hair a couple of times before opening the door to a beautiful Laura standing there. She's dressed in dark blue jeans and a grey sweatshirt with light makeup, looking stunning as always. "Schilling?" she says, a sexy ass smile on her face. "Yes Prepon?" I laugh, taking her hand and closing the door behind me. "If you don't mind we will be traveling by motorcycle this fine evening" she says, walking down my driveway. I nod my head and blush as she gets on, damn she looks so sexy on her motorcycle. I'm practically drooling at the sight and she laughs, patting the space behind her. "Tay stop staring and hop on" she chuckles, a blush forms on my cheeks as I slowly get on behind her. My arms wrap around her waist and my chin rests on her shoulder as we pull out of my driveway. The wind blows through my hair as we drive down the road, my grip tightens around Laura's waist and I watch the scenery whiz by.

Laura pulls into the small retro diner and shuts off the motorcycles engine, getting off before offering her hand to help me. "Why thank you malady" I giggle as I hop off the motorcycle and into Laura's arms. I hug her tightly and kiss her passionately, missing the feeling of her lips on mine. I slowly pull away and grab her hand, walking into the small diner. We sit down at a small booth by the window and look at the menu, Laura grabbing my hand that was resting on the table and kissing it softly. We didn't really have to worry about paparazzi or anyone seeing us because we were in the outskirts of town. As we order our food a familiar face catches my eye on the other side of the diner. Holly. As the waitress walks away I turn to Laura with a panicked look on my face, "shit" I whisper under my breath. "What?" Laura asks me, her hand coming up to my cheek and rubbing small circles gently. "Holly is here.." I mumble, looking at her wearily. "Holly? Holly, the girl who you broke up with because she was crazy and ran a mini cult Holly?" Laura says and I nod my head, biting on my inner cheek. "I guess some bands really are a cult" she chuckles but I lightly kick her under the table. "Sorry sorry, my bad Tay" she says, kissing my hand softly. I smile gently but it soon vanishes when Holly makes eye contact with me and strides over to Laura and I's table. "Shit Hollys coming" I say, my nerves starting to go haywire as two burly guys follow behind her. She approaches our table with a smile I recognize, she would always have the smile right before she flipped out. Shit. Laura looked at her wearily, our grip tightening on each other's. "Hi baby" She coos, her hand rubbing up and down my shoulder. I tense as she makes contact with the fabric and I try and scoot away. "Hi Holly.." I say, glancing over at Laura. She slides into the space next to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder, usually I love when Laura does this to me but when Holly doesn't I want to cry. My entire body tenses as Laura practically shoots daggers at Holly, her two "bodyguards" still standing at our table. "Whose this babe? She seems very tense. I like your hair though" she says, stroking Laura's hair. Laura pushes her hand off quickly and Holly acts shocked. "Wow rude..I'm Holly by the way" she says, extending her hand out to Laura. "Yeah I know.." she says, taking Holly's hand for a second. "Holly this is Laura." I say, trying to get out of her grasp. "Awe Taylor never said anything about her having a friend" Holly smiles. She's insane. "Holly..Laura is my girlfriend and I would appreciate if you would get your arm off of me." I say gently, rubbing small circles on the back of Laura's hand I'm still grasping tightly. "Excuse me?" She says, looking over at Laura then at me. Holly grabs my face and tries to kiss me but I shove her off of me. "Holly stop it!" I yell, trying to get up. Her "bodyguard" roughly shoved me back down into the booth, I look over at Laura and it's like a switch flipped. "What she's saying is that you need to back the fuck off before I make you." Laura hisses, her knuckles clenching. I reach over and touch her shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "Don't touch that bitch" Holly hisses. It's my turn to get pissed. "Don't you ever. I mean ever. Talk about my girlfriend like that ever again." I snap, turning to her and shoving her off of me. "Fine" she says, sliding out of the booth and standing up. "You'll be mine Taylor, sooner or later" she chuckles and walks away, back to her table. "What the actual fuck!?" Laura says, I grab her hand and start to walk out towards the exit of the restaurant quickly. "We need to get the fuck out of here right now." I say, seeing Laura's motorcycle that's across the street and making a beeline towards it. We almost reach the motorcycle before someone grabs me from behind, their arm wrapped around my neck and covering my mouth. I let out a muffled yell as another figure grabs Laura, dragging us both into an alleyway near the diner. I kick and scream as well as I can as I see Laura struggling in front of me. Shit. Shit. SHIT. I manage to kick the figure who had grabbed me in the leg and they toss me to the floor. All of the air rushes out of my lungs as both of them are now on a struggling Laura. I get up wearily as I see then punch her to try and get her to stop. She's screaming in pain as the continue to punch her. "Taylor!" she yells, catching a glimpse of my wobbly figure. "Taylor run!" she calls before getting slapped. "Shut the fuck up!" The figure yells, Laura whimpering in pain. He hit Laura. He hurt my Laura. Oh fuck no. I kick the figure in the crotch and they double over, he pushes me to the floor and kicks me in the chest and the stomach. A searing pain pierces through my body as he continues to kick me. He eventually stops and focuses his attention back onto Laura, slapping her across the face once more. I, somehow, get up and I try to choke him from behind as I jump on his back. My arms are wrapped around his neck as he stumbles backwards before launching me against the wall, putting all of his body weight onto me and into his shove.


Laura's POV

I get slapped as I continue to struggle with my attacker. I knee him in the crotch, making his grip loosen on me and I take the opportunity to shove him off of me. I punch him square in the jaw as he comes at me again, shoving me into the floor. My knee scrapes but there's to much adrenaline for me to notice. I start to get up to go at my attacker again-


A body hitting the floor makes everyone freeze, I look over to see Taylor's limp body on the alleyway floor. "SHIT. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET THE OTHER GIRL NOT TAYLOR. HOLLYS GONNA KILL US" the tall dark figure says before running down the alley, disappearing into the dark. "Shit, shit, shit." The other figure says but my focus isn't on them. It's on my limp girlfriends body laying on the alley floor. "Taylor!" I yell, getting up fully and running over to her. "Taylor no, please baby no" I whisper, scooping her up i. my arms and checking her pulse. Her breathing is quick and shallow, her heartbeat pounding rapidly. "No Taylor please.." I whisper, my eyes filling with tears as I see a huge gash on the back of her head, the blood matting her dirty blonde hair. By now both of the figures have disappeared and I'm alone in the alleyway with a limp body in my arms. I pull out my phone and shakily dial 911, holding Taylor in my arms as the phone rings. "911 what's your emergency" the operator says through the phone. "H-hi hello I'm at Sweet Jam diner and m-my girlfriend and I just got jumped in a alleyway next to it." I say quickly, my hands shaking as I try and stop Taylor's bleeding. "And are there any serious injuries" The operates smoothly says, "Y-yes, my girlfriend has a huge gash on the back of her head and she's unconscious..i-uh her breathing is shallow and her heartbeat is really fucking fast" I say, getting choked up. "Stay with me Tay, stay with me baby" I whisper, tears now freely falling. "Okay, paramedics are on the way. And your name is ma'am?" "La-laura..Laura Prepon and my girlfriend is Taylor Schilling." I choke out, the seconds feeling like hours.

A few minutes later the paramedics arrive and they run towards me as I flag them to the alleyway. They quickly get Taylor in a gurney and rush her into the back of the ambulance. "You're her girlfriend correct?" The paramedic says as they're dealing with Taylor. "Y-yeah" I whisper, the pain from the punches and kicks starting to arrive. "Ride in the ambulance to the hospital, you look pretty beat up as well" the paramedic notes, pointing to my black eye. I nod my head and climb into the back of the ambulance, by now Taylor already has a breathing mask on and machines hooked up to her to get her stats. I sit next to her stretcher as the two medics sit across from me, one of them grabbing an ice pack and handing it to me. "Thanks" I say softly, putting it up to my eye. I sigh as I grab Taylor's hand, rubbing my knuckles over her thumbs softly. A silence falls in the room, nothing is heard except the ambulance sirens and Taylor's heart machine beating. "What happened?" One of the female paramedics ask, looking at me wearily. I explain to them everything, the motorcycle, the diner, the crazy ex, the alleyway, every single detail until they arrived at the scene. "Holy shit" she whispers, looking down. "Yeah I know" I chuckle softly, squeezing Taylor's hand gently.

My head hangs low and another silence falls in the cabin of the ambulance before a soft whisper seems like a shout. "L-laura?" Taylor's voice strains out, my head shoots up as I squeeze her hand. "I'm right here baby" I say, watching Taylor's eyes flutter opened and closed. "I-I love you" she whispers. Before I can respond her lines go haywire and her body goes limp. "Shit!" the paramedics say, pushing me out of the way to get on either side of her. "She's having a cardiac arrest, step on it!" one of them yells, grabbing an AED and cutting open her striped navy blue shirt to prepare her to get shocked. Tears start swelling from my eyes as I watch the whole scene unfold, her heart trying to be shocked back to normal by the paramedics. My eyes can't tear away from her body, my entire world breaking in front of me.

Please Taylor.

I can't fucking lose you.

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