Part 24

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As soon as Lindsey opened the door to their new home, he was met by Jade and Amber, both holding birthday cards, which they had clearly made themselves. There was a lot of jumping and screeching going on, Lindsey thought he heard a 'happy birthday' in all the chaos as well.

With a wide grin on his face, Lindsey bent down, opening his arms and the girls ran into them, hugging him tight. "Happy birthday!" They exclaimed again.

"Thank you both so much." Lindsey said, kissing Amber then Jade on the cheek. "You two really surprised me."

"We made you birthday cards!" Jade held out her hand and so did Amber.

"Wow, they are beautiful." Lindsey straightened up, holding both cards in his hand, and thanked the twins again.

Stevie stood back a few steps, her arms crossed over her chest. The scene warmed her heart. When she met, then married Mick, she thought that was it. That was how her life was going to go and it didn't quite matter if she was truly happy or not. Stevie never thought she'd find the courage in her to say, enough. When she eventually ended up alone, she was sure she was going to be alone. Meeting Lindsey, opening her heart to him, it was all very scary. Now, she wouldn't change a thing.

"Are you just going to stand back there?" Lindsey raised an eyebrow, when Amber and Jade finally calmed down and returned to their room.

A smile on her face, Stevie approached him and cupped his face in her hands. "Happy birthday, baby." She nearly whispered, then gave him a promising kiss. "The girls were camped out here for an hour. I told them, I would let them know, when you've pulled into the driveway, but they didn't listen."

"It was a nice way to be met." 

Stevie touched Lindsey's cheek with the back of her hand. "You need to shave."

"Do I really have to?" Lindsey pouted. "Isn't this whole three day beard thing sexy?"

"It is, when it's just the two of us, but it isn't, when you've got guests coming in two hours."

Lindsey sighed, nodded his head and dragged his feet up the stairs. Meanwhile, Stevie finished preparing for the party. Well, it wasn't really a party, a gathering of a small group of Lindsey's friends to celebrate his birthday. 

After taking a shower and shaving off his beard, Lindsey came back downstairs and found Stevie in the family room, putting down the last platter of snacks she had prepared. He remained silent for a moment, just watching her, thinking, how did he manage to get so lucky. 

"Creep." Stevie interrupted his thoughts, turning around to face him.

"Excuse me." Lindsey scoffed, laying a hand on his chest. "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to admire the art in my home every now and then."

Stevie gave him a smile and kissed him briefly as she passed him by. "I'll go get ready."

The twins returned downstairs, showing off their new dresses to Lindsey. He said that both girls looked beautiful and that he loved their outfits. What else could he say? They were just dresses, one pink and one blue.

With light make up applied, Stevie changed her clothes as well. She chose a dress to match her girls as well as the necklace, Lindsey had given her. Before leaving the bedroom, Stevie also took an envelope with her. Her birthday present for Lindsey.

Lindsey was sitting on the couch in the family room, Amber on one side and Jade on the other. Stevie heard them talking, but she didn't really hear what they were saying. She took a deep breath and approached them. She stood behind Lindsey and held out her hand. Lindsey looked up, then at the white envelope in her hand, which he took.

"What's this?"

"Your present. I wanted to give you this before anyone showed up." Stevie explained, her voice a little shaky.

Lindsey opened the envelope and pulled out a sonogram. He opened his mouth to speak, then covered it with his other hand. Speechless. Stevie bent down and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"It's twins."




Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad some of you are still interested. A short, sweet story, with as little drama as possible. Hope you liked it ♥ 

P.S. I've already got another idea.

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