Part 17

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It was rather early the next morning, when Lindsey woke up. He would have gladly slept for a couple more hours, especially in hopes of making that headache go away. He wasn't much of a drinker, but once it was clear that Lindsey was going to stay the night, he and Stevie had a little too much to drink. 

Instead of falling back to sleep, Lindsey raised himself up, resting on his elbow to support his upper body. Stevie lay on her front beside him, the sheet down around her middle, her eyes were still shut and she was breathing evenly. Lindsey didn't want to disturb her, but he couldn't help himself, the tips of his fingers followed her spine from her neck down her naked back. She stirred in her sleep, stopping Lindsey, but only for a minute. Once he thought he was safe to touch her again and Lindsey's hand drifted over closer to Stevie, her eyes shot open.

"Jesus Christ!" Lindsey started laughing, clutching his chest. 

"Why would you wake me up?" Stevie sounded sleepy and despite the question, she wasn't really upset with him. "We just went to sleep."

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist."

Stevie groaned, closing her eyes again as she yawned, turning over onto her back. She reached for the covers and pulled them up above her chest. 

"You didn't have to." Lindsey whined, lying on his side, his head on her pillow.

"I'm not about to scare you off." Stevie made a joke at her own expense, which Lindsey found it occurring more often than not.

"You're beautiful." He said and he told her that often. "What will it take for you to be believe me?"

Stevie clasped her hands, resting them on her belly as she faced him. "I do, I believe you. It's just... well, when you have twins, your body changes, then life gets in the way and you don't have the time to try and turn back the time."

"Stevie, you brought two new lives into this world. Having any insecurities because of how it may have changed your body?" Lindsey shook his head. "You're gorgeous." He said, pressing his lips gently to her bare shoulder.

"I guess, there's no point in you lying to me about it, since you're already in my bed." Stevie half smiled and Lindsey hugged her, pulling closer to himself. "So, now that I'm up..." 

"Mmhm?" Lindsey raised his eyebrow, smirking. "Go on." 

Lindsey was looking at Stevie's face, but his hand began wandering as it disappeared under the covers. He loved seeing her reactions change, when he touched her in different places, which she enjoyed that he learned last night. Some just made her close her eyes, others parted her lips and made her moan. She arched her back in anticipation, when he pushed her legs apart and his hand slide down her inner thigh towards her-

The doorbell. 

Stevie's eyes opened and she was clearly angry at whoever decided to disturb them. The doorbell rang again and she sighed heavily, then gritted her teeth hearing the annoying sound once more.

"Were you expecting someone?" Lindsey asked.

"Definitely not at this hour." Stevie pushed the covers off herself and searched for something to put on. 

Stevie tied the sash of her robe while making her way downstairs, the doorbell ringing one last time, before she got to it. "I'm coming, for Christ's sake!"

The door opened forcefully and Stevie found Mick and Jade standing on the other side. "Good morning, sunshine." Mick's voice made her skin crawl at that particular moment.

"What are you doing here?" Realizing how that might have come off, Stevie added to Jade. "I mean, weren't you supposed to stay at your father's until tomorrow?" 

Mick just gave a shrug of his shoulders. "She insisted, she wanted to go home."

"There was nothing for me to do there." Jade explained, sounding almost apologetic. Mick didn't seem to take it to heart.

"It's okay." Stevie smiled, stroking the girl's hair a few times. Jade quickly disappeared and Stevie looked at Mick. "Anything else?"

Mick shifted his weight from one foot to the other, before speaking up. "Who's Amber, Stevie?" He looked past her. "And who's this?"

Stevie turned around and saw Lindsey coming downstairs.

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