Part 10

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The only sound at their table was the one cutlery made, hitting the plate. They chatted all the way to the restaurant, but once they were seated, Stevie and Lindsey seemingly couldn't find anything to talk about. They just glanced at each other occasionally, then smiled, returning to their meal. It was increasingly becoming more and more awkward.

"I can't do this." Stevie spoke up at last, putting her fork and knife down. "What's wrong?" She asked straight.

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?" He gulped down half of his water, then put the glass down, attempting to look at Stevie.

"Then why are we not talking? At all?" Since she wasn't the one behind the wheel, Stevie reached for her wine and took a big, very unladylike mouthful. 

Lindsey hesitated to answer and remained quiet, as she expected he would. Then he started laughing, confusing Stevie. "I'm not sure if we see this evening the same way."

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, I invited you to dinner, but..." He paused, fidgeting with a napkin between his fingers. "I didn't want to mention the word 'date', then I cursed myself that I didn't, because you might think this is a friendly dinner and I-"

"Lindsey, stop." Stevie interrupted his rambling, reaching across the table to lay her hand over his. "I was wondering..." She trailed off. "I mean, I hope this is a date."

"It is. If you want it to be of course." He added quickly.

"I do." She smiled, nodding her head. "I do, I like you."

Lindsey sighed in great relief, finishing his glass of water. He undid the top button of his shirt, it had suddenly got hot. "I like you, too. I haven't really been out with anyone since my divorce. Well, I have, but it was usually a set up by my friends. And you... I don't want to screw this night up, because you do genuinely interest me."

"I'm glad we know, where we both stand and we can actually talk right now." Stevie said, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, knowing that Lindsey liked her, too.

Unlike twenty or so minutes ago, the conversation flowed freely. This time they spoke less about Amber and Jade, they wanted to get to know each other better. Even thought they'd known each other for some time now, they didn't have much of a clue about the life the other led. Stevie told Lindsey that she worked at a boutique and she loved it, Lindsey informed her of his dislike of the boring office job he had. Stevie spoke about her younger brother, reminiscing for a moment about the old days, when they were kids and Lindsey mentioned his two brothers, one of whom had sadly passed away. When the conversation turned towards their free time and hobbies, Stevie shyly let Lindsey know that she sometimes wrote poetry, immediately adding that it was silly and he shouldn't ask her to be allowed to read any, while Lindsey spoke about how he started playing guitar at a very young age and never gave it up.

"Maybe, you know..." Lindsey hesitated. "Maybe we could try and combine your poetry and my melody." Stevie didn't know why, but she started giggling, her cheeks turning pink. "What?" Lindsey asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing." Stevie shook her head, still chuckling. "Nothing, just... the way you said it."

"Someone's got a dirty mind." He smirked, making her blush more. "You say, you write, but do you sing?"

"I sing Jade to sleep." Stevie shrugged, glad he changed the subject.

"Come on, seriously?" 

"I sang a very long time ago, when I was still at school." She sighed, allowing herself to remember her dream. "I used to sing in bars and clubs, but that lasted until I met Mick. He didn't want me in those places, with other men around."

"So, you gave it up?"

Stevie didn't answer right away, sipping her wine. "I wanted a family, a wanted to be a mother more."

"I know Mick is the father of the twins, but he's an asshole." Lindsey said and Stevie didn't disagree.

"Mick is a lot of things." She nodded. "What about you, guitar hero?" She teased, making Lindsey smile.

"I don't know. I guess, I didn't put enough time into it, something always got in the way. I needed to support myself, so I got a job that I hate, I started seeing someone, who kept repeating me that I would never become anything, then Michelle came into my life and we needed a place to live, we started saving, because we were trying for a baby..." Lindsey sighed heavily. "You could say, my reasons are similar to yours."

Lindsey insisted they got desert. It wasn't necessarily because he was craving a piece of chocolate cake, he just didn't want their evening to end. Stevie didn't oppose.

"What's the deal with Jack?" Lindsey asked.

"There is no deal." Stevie shrugged, finishing off her wine. "I guess, he likes me, but I only like him as a friend. However, he's being very persistent."

"I could talk to him." Lindsey wondered aloud.

Stevie half smiled, shaking her head. "As much as I would like to see two men fight over me, I really don't need the drama in my life."


They grew quiet. This time, however, neither was really trying to come up with something to say. Lindsey reached for Stevie's hand, lacing his fingers through hers as he locked their eyes.

"I had a great time tonight."

"So did I." Stevie replied sincerely.

Soon, the two of them were in Lindsey's car and on the way to Stevie's. They didn't speak much, choosing the comfortable silence instead. 

"I'll walk you to the door." 

"You don't have to." Stevie said. 

"But I want to." Lindsey insisted, unfastening his seat belt. 

Stevie blindly searched for the keys as they walked the short distance to the front door. She put the key into the lock and turned it, then hesitated. She would have liked Lindsey to stay, but she shouldn't ask. She shouldn't jump head first into it.

"Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for." Lindsey shrugged, his hands in his pockets as if to keep himself from touching her. 

They spent a moment in silence, neither of them taking the first step until Stevie grew impatient. "So, are you going to kiss me or not?"

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