Part 22

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Finishing off the last of his beer, Lindsey put the bottle down on the table. It was still early and he knew his colleagues were going to ask him to stay longer, but Lindsey wanted to go home. Even though he had the same job for years and knew most of the people working there for just as long, he had never enjoyed going out with them that much. However, he had missed the past three gatherings and he was running out of excuses.

"Alright, guys." Lindsey interrupted the loud chatter. "Sorry, but I've got to go."

"Come on, Lindsey!" He heard a collective protest. "You never go out with us."

Lindsey had to repeat his excuse several more times, before the gathered colleagues, he couldn't call them friends, eventually stopped bothering him.

"I'll drive you." Jeremy, one of the men that Lindsey didn't mind, stood up with him. "My wife's parents are coming to visit tomorrow, I wasn't allowed to have one drink."

"Thanks." Lindsey half smiled.

The two men said their goodbyes and quickly maneuvered through the crowd, both sighing in relief, once they were outside. Jeremy led the way to his car, Lindsey followed beside him. 

"I'm glad we're out of there." Jeremy pressed a button and the car was unlocked. "It has never been a fun outing with those people. Not once."

Lindsey laughed, nodding his head in agreement as he fastened the seat belt. "God, I know. They were bugging me for a week to come along."

"Sometimes you just have to say, yes." Jeremy said, starting the engine. 

Fortunately, the drive wasn't very long. They chatted about the recent events at work, while Lindsey gave directions to Jeremy on the way. 

"The next getaway ride is on me." Lindsey said, causing Jeremy to laugh. "Thanks again."

"No problem." Jeremy waved it off. "Have a good night."

The car drove away and Lindsey went to the front door with a satisfied smile on his face, relieved he was finally home. He checked his watch, quietly entering the house. It wasn't late yet, but Amber and Jade had to be asleep by now. 

The door to the dimly lit bedroom was ajar. Lindsey knocked to get Stevie's attention as she was reading a book in bed, her back resting against the headboard. Lindsey smiled at her appearance, he loved seeing her in her pajamas, her hair in a loose bun, wearing glasses. 

"I heard, when you entered the house." Stevie said, looking up at him. She put the bookmark in between the pages and then the most recent classic novel she was reading on the nightstand. "How was it?"

Lindsey shrugged his shoulders along with his jacket. "Alright. Here's better."

"I'm happy to hear that." Stevie smiled, holding out her hand. "Come, join me."

"Can I undress first?"

"I'll undress you later." She smirked. "I haven't seen you since morning." She said, cocking her head back, when Lindsey approached her side of the bed and bent over to kiss her. One of Stevie's hands touched the side of his face, keeping him in place, the other started working on the buttons of his shirt. 

"Missed me, huh?" Lindsey asked against her lips, feeling them pressing firmly to his again. "Wait, wait..."

"What's the matter?" Stevie frowned, seeing him back off.

"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to give you something first." Lindsey quickly explained, knowing she had started worrying. Going back to his jacket, Lindsey searched inside one of the pockets and took out a small jewelry box. "This was supposed to be your birthday gift, but it wasn't made in time."

"Oh, Linds..." Stevie gave him a loving look. "You didn't have to, I told you."

"I've learned that when women say, you don't have to get them anything, you must get them something." Lindsey said, making Stevie chuckle lightly. "Now, this is not a ring. I know, how you feel about that." He had to explain, handing the present to Stevie, which was the size of a jewelry box fit for a ring. "Open it."

Stevie didn't say that she would never get married again, she just didn't want to think about it right now, however, she was relieved that Lindsey listened and clearly wasn't going to push her. Opening the box, Stevie found a simple, elegant silver necklace, resting in a circle, with two pendants attached to it. One was in the shape of the latter J, decorated with jade elements, and the other - in the shape of the letter A, with pieces of amber.

"I love you." Was all that Stevie could manage as she hugged Lindsey close, then backed off a little and kissed him. 

This time his shirt came off.

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