Chapter Twenty Six

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Roulette walked beside me as we headed through the empty suburb, both of us listening to a dog bark here and there when we got too close to someone's house.

"What can you tell me about them?" I asked before clarifying. "The Saviors."

Roulette sighed and looked over her shoulder. "Well, for starters, almost nobody knows who the leader is. For a group that hates supers and thinks that the unchanged are superior, they have a lot of supers working with them. Take Wraith, for example."

"Who's Wraith?"


I eyed her. "Who else?"

"White Reaper and me work some odd jobs for them sometimes."

"You mean killing people?"

"Uh, yeah." She shook her head. "Polar Ice and Blazing Sun. God, those two are some pretentious pricks. The Spider. I don't know if they think that a walking power dampener even counts as a super though."

I scowled. "I know. I already figured this out."

"There's a few other supers in there too. I can't remember their names and I've never met them. They're all villains, though. I know that much. They also love to call us supers corrupt."

"Well, it does hold some truth."

"Not every super is bad," Roulette murmured. "Nobody asked for these powers."

"Why are you working with them?" I asked lightly.

"White Reaper won't tell me why. I guess a job is a job."

"He sounds like a fucking asshole."

Roulette glanced over at me. "Shh. Watch it."

I sighed as we got to a fork in the road. She patted my back. "I'll see you."


She turned away and I quickly rushed out, "Hey, you know what would be funny?"


"If you spoke Russian."

Her eyebrows knitted together. "...Why?"

I laughed. "Cuz, you know, Russian Roulette."

Roulette rubbed her forehead and sighed, starting forward. "Goodnight."

"That pizza is definitely cold by now," I griped to myself, trudging back to where I had left Kyle. I stuck to the alleys in case any police officers or supers were watching out for me.

Kyle jumped up when I finally climbed back up onto the roof. "Glacier! Hey, you're alive!"

"Let's go," I huffed.

After we got back to Kyle's lair, I changed and got ready to head home when he slid down the hallway in fuzzy socks. "Hey, Cat, since our pizza was ruined, do you have any dinner plans? My mom invited you over."

"Oh, a chance to eat with Satan and Satan? I'm good."

He pouted. "Please?"

Somehow I let the little fucker rope me into his family chaos.

"Fine. Let me go pack up our suits in my backpack. It's gonna be a long night."

Don't roll your eyes. If you saw how adorable Kyle looked, you wouldn't be able to either!

...Don't tell him I ever called him adorable either.

I took off my boots when we got to his parents' house and left them outside, stepping in to feel the cold seeping from the hardwood and through the fabric of my socks. Fall decorations lined every room in the house. The stairs loomed above us, leading to a pitch black hallway a few feet away from the door. Their living room was to the left, a huge couch placed in front of an even bigger flat screen TV.

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