Chapter Six

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It had been a little over a week since the Saviors attack TVAH. Nic and I weren't grounded after what happened at the zoo, but we weren't allowed to leave the house without adult supervision except when we were walking to and from school.

Being unsupervised in a city full of superhumans was apparently "too risky nowadays".

This didn't stop me from sneaking out from time to time, or Nic, but I hadn't committed a robbery since my imprisonment.

Woe is me.

I was loaded anyway so I decided to take a break. Not to mention I was kind of lazy. I didn't want to fight Inferno either, but that was mainly because heat made me feel like I was melting.

Summer will be the death of me.

Zack was a lot more hostile towards me at school. He turned into aggressive little chihuahua and I was just like, "Damn. Take a chill pill."

On the upside, Ginger finally took it upon himself to start training me. I was almost always over at his house, in his basement.

I know how creepy that sounds.

He turned his basement into his lair. I was starting to realize how dark and brooding he truly was.

The happiness that I started to develop because I was finally learning how to not be a weak noodle didn't last long due to all the soreness I had from kicks and punches sent my way. Training with Nic was like gym class on bath salts.

I caught Nic's fist when he went to punch me and ducked under his arm at the last second. He spun around only to get throat chopped.

Nic fell to the ground, gasping for air. When he finally could speak again, the first thing he shouted was, "DAMN! Show some fucking restraint!"

"I'm getting good at this," I commented.

He rolled his eyes. "What kind of bitch chops their bestie in the throat?"

"Me," I said smugly. "I finally beat you without using my powers, bestie."

"You didn't beat me!"

I glared. "Did too."

Ginger's blue eyes narrowed, meeting my glare head on. He clenched his jaw, then let his expression soften. "You were really close."


He stood up. "You know something, Ice Cube? You're really cute. For a ratty sewer monster, that is."

I gasped.

That was a good burn. How do I beat that?

"At least I'm not a ginger," I replied, eyeing him up and down. "And an artificial one at that."

Nic walked closer to me and before I knew it, he had flipped me over his shoulder.

I groaned and looked up at the smirking redhead. "What an endearing smile."

Nic kneeled down beside me to help me up. "I'm cute in general. Also, I beat you."

I snickered. "If that helps you sleep at night."

"Want to take a break and play Just Dance?"

"You know me so well."

Here's the thing; Nic and I did all this training stuff in rounds. We'd train, play Just Dance, then rest and start again.

After fifteen minutes of me cheating and pushing Ginger so he'd mess up his score, we sat down on the couch. I was sweating but Nic was only having trouble regulating his breathing. We headed upstairs so I could get some ice water.

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