Chapter 5

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Sara's dad takes her to a car.

"Dad please I just want you to be safe!"

"No your trying to kill yourself!" He takes out a pair of handcuffs. She starts to struggle even more. He pinned her down easily and put the handcuffs on her easily. "Please Sara, I just want you to be safe."

"So you would rather you, mom, and I die?" Sara starts sobbing.

"No, your mom and I have agreed that we will hide you and you will stay hidden until all of this has past." A tear rolls down his cheek.

"So you want me to become a damn orphan?" He puts me in the back seat of the car.

He calms himself down and says,"Don't talk likewise that Sara you don't know if we will survive through this or not."

"Dad I know how these people work. They won't stop until wee all-" He slams the door closed. He climbs into the drivers seat and soaks his door shut. "Please dad I don't want to become an orphan please."

"This conversation is over Sara."

She shuts her mouth and it stays that way the whole ride and so does her fathers.

                                                 ° ° °

I wake up crying and Zylen is holding me in his arms whispering comforting words in my ear. It calmed me down and I stopped crying. I didn't even know why I was crying. I didn't even know Sara so why was she showing up in my dreams? Why did I care?

My thoughts were interrupted by Zylen, "What was it? What was the dream about?" I felt like I needed to tell him but I also didn't.

"I would rather not tell." I didn't sleep very well because of the dream so I was still very groggy.


It didn't help that I was still very angry at Zylen. Before he gets up I stop him and ask, "Did you ask anyone to get me some clothes for me yet?" I honestly just didn't want him to leave.

Stupid mate-pull.

"No but i'll get on that." He started to get up. "Breakfeast is ready by the way." He waits for a little bit at the door looking at me.

"Are you waiting for me to give you permission to leave?"

He leaves the room. I look at my wounds to make sure that there is nothing wrong with them. I get out of bed and look around the room for any windows. There was one window in the bathroom but it was way to skinny for me. I was looking for an escape but of course I couldn't find one. I go down stairs to get some breakfeast. Zylen was sitting at the table with a laptop. There were pancakes on the table with syrup, butter, peanut butter, and some powdered sugar. Zylen glances at me.

"Hope you like pancakes."

"I do actually. You like peanut butter on your pancakes?"

"Yeah I do. You don't like peanut butter on your pancakes?"

"No I do it's just that everyone thinks it's weird. Plus it's what me and my family use to have every Thursday for breakfeast."

We just sit there quietly eating pancakes for a while. Zylen breaks the silence by saying, "So where are you from or did you just trances schools?"

"I didn't move I was just gone for a while."

"I moved in two years ago. You were gone for two years?"

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