14- A sad Harry Styles

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"Roger." Louis greeted.

"Hi Louis, how's it going?" Roger asked.

"Fine." Louis answered and rolled his eyes at Harry.

"So, I'm just gonna cut right to it. There's no easy way to approach this subject." Roger said sounding nervous.

"What is it?" Louis questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is there something going on between you and your stylist?" Roger asked.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, heart stuck in his throat.

"Oh, come on, Louis! Are you gay? Because..." Roger started off but Louis immediately interrupted him.

"I'm not gay!"

"Fine, are you bi then? Do you have a relationship with Harry?" Roger asked bluntly.

Louis felt a cold sweat break free.
"No! Of course we're not in a relationship. What the hell, Roger!" He shouted in fear.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows but Louis didn't notice.
"Okay. It's fine if you are. I just have to know as your manager so I know how to handle the press release." Roger said, sounding embarrassed.

"I don't know who told you this but there's nothing going on between me and Harry. We're just friends." Louis lied poorly.

"Okay. I'm sorry if I had the wrong idea." Roger said.

They hung up and Louis stared at his phone for a while before he turned his gaze to Harry. He gasped when he saw the hurt expression on Harry's face.
"Just friends, huh?" Harry questioned.

"I'm sorry. What was I supposed to say?" Louis questioned.

Harry sighed and closed his eyes. They were filled with tears when he opened them again.
"I have been patient. I know this scares you but that hurt me, Louis. Are you ashamed of me? I can't do this anymore. I'm not gonna be your dirty little secret."

He got up from the bed and started to get dressed.
"Wait, it's not like that." Louis protested.

"You're not ready for this, whatever this is for you. I'm in love with you, Lou. So fucking in love. I'm gonna sleep at the hotel." Harry said, sobbing out loud.

Louis just stared at him, unable to speak.

"I guess that's my answer."
Harry walked out of the bus and Louis broke down crying.

He hadn't been able to sleep at all. He needed to talk to someone. He called Liam who answered in a sleepy voice.

"Hi, Liam, sorry I woke you up but I really need to talk to someone, ehm, about Harry."

"I'm listening." Liam answered.

So Louis told him everything. How scared and confused he had been at first and still was. How mindblowing the first time he kissed Harry had been. How happy Harry made him. That he didn't know what to do. How much he had hurt him in his conversation with Roger.

"Do you love him?" Liam asked softly.

"Yes, but it's not that simple." Louis answered.

"But it is that simple, Lou. Don't be scared of love. So what that you're in love with another man? If he makes you happy, if he loves you back that's all that matters. Fight for it. Accept it." Liam replied.

"It's too late. I hurt him." Louis whimpered.

"Of course, it's not too late. You have to tell him how you feel. He doesn't know, Lou. Fight for him!" Liam said.

"Fuck, you're right! Thanks, Li." Louis shouted before he hung up.

He jumped out of bed and threw on the first thing he could find. He ran over to the Hotel they were parked in front of.
"I need the room number for Harry Styles." He said as soon as he reached the front desk.

The woman behind the desk tapped on her computer.
"I'm sorry, we don't have anyone with that name on this Hotel, Sir."

What? Harry never checked in on the Hotel? He pulled out his phone and called him but it went straight to voicemail. Where the hell was he?

He har spent the whole day running around looking for Harry. No one had seen him. Niall hadn't heard from him when he called him. He had a show in an hour and as the great Freddie Mercury once sang; the show must go on.

He was pacing back and forth in his dressing room when the door suddenly opened to reveal a broken Harry.
"Harry! Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you all day." Louis shouted upset.

Harry didn't answer. He refused to look at Louis and walked over to the cloth rack and pulled out a shirt and some trousers.
"Here." He said coldly before he turned around and started to walk out of the room.

"Harry!" Louis said.

"Don't!" Harry growled and opened the door and walked out.

Louis ran after him and grabbed his arm.
"Wait! I need to talk to you."

Harry shrugged him off.
"We have nothing to talk about."

That caught the attention of Louis' crew and he could feel them all staring at them. Fuck that! He didn't care and he felt so relieved when he realized that he actually didn't care. He wasn't afraid anymore. The only thing he was afraid of was the fact that Harry was walking away from him. He took a deep, shaky breath.
"I love you, you fucking idiot!" He shouted.

Harry stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly.

Louis walked up to him. Everyone's eyes were on him but he only saw Harry.
"I'm so sorry I hurt you. I was caught off guard and I was scared. I don't even know why really. Now I'm just scared that you won't forgive me because I love you, Harry. I'm so fucking in love with you. I'm not ashamed of you. Of course I'm not! You're beautiful and kind and sexy and funny and God, please forgive me. You have to forgive me." Louis begged.

"You hurt me. Don't do it again." Harry answered.

"I won't! Can you forgive me?" Louis said and took a step closer.

Harry looked down at him and smiled.
"I would be an idiot if I didn't. I love you too, Louis."

Louis let out a breath of relief and threw himself at Harry who wrapped his arms around him. They connected their lips and kissed, but started to laugh at the round of applause that was heard in the room. Louis hid his blushed cheeks in the crook of Harry's neck.
"I think I'll have to call Roger again."

"Yeah. Tell him you have a boyfriend this time." Harry chuckled while he nuzzled his nose in Louis' hair.

"I'm gonna tell everyone that I have the best fucking boyfriend ever." Louis promised and kissed Harry again.

And so he did.

The End

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