5-A mortified Harry Styles

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Harry woke up with a nasty hangover. How much did he drink last night? He opened his eyes slowly with a grunt. Where was he? He didn't recognize the bed or the room when he looked around.

He peeked underneath the duvet. Yep, he was naked as well. Great. At least he didn't wake up next to a stranger. That had been awkward. He looked around in search of his clothes but didn't see them anywhere. Fucking awesome.

He sighed and got up from the bed and wrapped a blanket around himself. He tiptoed to the door and poked his head out to look around. His eyes grew big when he recognized the hallway. No! Oh my fucking God.

He sighed again and headed downstairs as quietly as he could. Hopefully, Louis was still asleep and he could get home without having to face him in this condition. What the hell happened last night?

He managed to get down to the main floor and tiptoed his way to the front door. When he walked past the kitchen a voice startled him and made him jump.
"Good morning."

He looked into the kitchen and his cheeks blushed red. Louis was sitting at the kitchen table with an amused smirk on his lips.
"Oh, hi. Ehm, have you seen my clothes by any chance?"

"Yeah, they're in the washing machine. You kind of puked all over them last night." Louis chuckled.

He did? Harry leaned his head against the doorframe and closed his eyes. He was so embarrassed.
"Oh God. I'm so sorry, Louis!"

"It's okay, Harry. It happens to the best of us." Louis chuckled.

"Yeah. Ehm, why am I here?" Harry questioned.

"Well, you kind of passed out in the cab when I was gonna help you get home and I don't know where you live so I brought you home with me instead." Louis answered.

"Okay...why am I completely naked? Did I throw up all over my underwear as well?" Harry asked, sounding confused.

"No, you didn't. I'm so glad you asked. This is my favorite part of the evening." Louis smirked.

Harry grunted and tried to prepare himself. This must be bad. So fucking bad. Louis continued.
"So, I had to carry you inside, because, you know, you had passed out."

"Geez." Harry muttered.

"But then you woke up to puke all over yourself. I helped you to the bathroom to clean you up and help you take off your t-shirt and pants. I'm sorry about that but they were like really gross." Louis said.

"I'm so, so sorry." Harry answered.

"It's okay Harry really. Now, here comes the best part. I tried to help you to bed but you thought that you rather show me how awesome you are at doing the helicopter." Louis chuckled.

Harry's eyes grew wide.
"Tell me I didn't!" He pleaded, looking mortified.

"Oh, you did. Before I could even blink you had dropped your boxers and ya, well..." Louis said and burst out laughing.

"Nooooo! Fucking hell. I'm never gonna drink tequila again." Harry whimpered and hid his face in his hand, clutching the blanket tightly with the other.

Louis just laughed. Harry peeked between his fingers.
"I totally understand if I'm fired now. I'm so sorry, Louis."

"What? No, relax Harry. You're not fired. We all do crazy, embarrassing shit when we're drunk. I stole a cow once." Louis smirked.

"A cow? How?" Harry asked, eyes sparkling with humor.

"I don't remember how. I left it at the police station anonymously. Oh, and one time I woke up in Amsterdam! Apparently, I thought it was a great idea to fly there. I don't even know why they let me get on the plane." Louis continued in an effort to make Harry feel less embarrassed.

Harry giggled before he sighed again.
"But I bet you haven't shown your fucking dick to a client."

"No, but I showed it to Liam once on a dare and he works for me." Louis chuckled.

"Did I meet him yesterday?" Harry questioned unsurely.

"Yep. He called you Mr. Fellate." Louis smirked.

"Ah, yeah, because of my t-shirt. Funny." Harry smiled.

"You have a very interesting taste in clothes. I never know what to expect." Louis smiled.

"Speaking of clothes, are mine ready? I really don't want to be naked anymore." Harry chuckled.

"No, but you can borrow some of mine." Louis said and got up to go and get some.

"Thanks, Louis. I'm gonna go as soon as I'm decent." Harry sighed.

"Stay for breakfast at least. If you don't have somewhere you have to be?" Louis asked.

"No I have the day off but I don't want to take up any more of your time." Harry protested.

"I have no plans." Louis said with a smile before he headed to his room to find something for Harry to wear.

He came back with some sweats and a hoodie and handed them to Harry.
"Do you want some boxers as well?"

"It's fine without. Thank you, Louis, for everything." Harry answered sincerely.

They locked eyes for a moment before Louis looked down.
"Are cereal okay? I can't really cook. Coffee?"

"Yes please." Harry answered and headed to a bathroom to get dressed. There was no need to flash Louis again with his nakedness. He still couldn't believe that he had made such a fool of himself. He hurried to throw the sweats and hoodie on. It was too small but it was definitely better than nothing. He walked back into the kitchen to find a bowl and a cup of coffee on the table for him. Two painkillers were laying next to the spoon. Thank God. Harry grabbed them and swallowed them immediately.

They small-talked while they had breakfast. Louis told him some more embarrassing drunken stories and Harry shared a few of his own as well. They were both laughing. When they had finished eating Louis asked if he wanted to watch a movie and he immediately said yes. He wouldn't say no to the opportunity to spend some more time with the most beautiful man he'd ever laid eyes on.

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