9-A patient Harry Styles

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They drank a few beers and talked for a while. Liam and Niall were just waiting for an opportunity to talk to them one on one. In the meantime, they watch their mates banter and cuddle each other, unaware that they were being examined closely.

"I have to take a wee." Harry finally announced and got up to go to the bathroom.

Niall shot up from his chair immediately.
"Great, me too. I'll go with you."

"You wanna follow me into the bathroom?" Harry questioned with a smile.

"Yeah. Why not?" Niall grinned.

Harry just shrugged his shoulders and headed off. Niall followed him closely behind.

Louis turned to Liam with furrowed eyebrows.
"What the hell was that? Why would Niall go to the bathroom with Harry? Do you think something's going on between them?" He huffed in annoyance, sounding jealous.

"No, They're just friends, Lou. Relax. While we're on the subject, what's going on between you and Harry?" Liam asked, trying to ease into the conversation.

"What do you mean? We're friends." Louis immediately answered.

"Yeah, but you like, hold hands and stuff." Liam said softly. This wouldn't be an easy conversation, he could already tell.

Louis just shrugged his shoulders dismissively and drank a sip of his beer. Liam decided to push a little.
"You act differently around him. I just want to make sure that you know that's totally okay, I mean, if you like Harry I'm really happy for you."

"I'm not gay, Liam." Louis snorted. He had put his walls up.

"It's okay if you are, or maybe you're bi? You don't have to label it." Liam said softly.

"What the hell, mate!" Louis growled defensively.

"Relax! I just don't want you to miss out on something great because you're scared or insecure. Love is love, mate. Just figure it out. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to." Liam replied.

Louis looked scared. He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.
"Thanks. I don't know what's happening. I'm so confused."

"Give it some time." Liam said softly.

Louis nodded his head and excused himself to go for a smoke. In the meantime, Niall and Harry had a slightly different conversation in the bathroom.
"So you have the hots for Louis?" Niall said as soon as they closed the door behind them.

"Maybe." Harry admitted.

"So why don't you do something about it? He seems interested in you too." Niall smirked.

Harry sighed.
"It's not that easy, Niall. I don't want to scare him away. He was absolutely convinced that he's straight a couple of weeks ago. He's scared and confused right now and it's not like we have done anything remotely sexual. I think he likes me too but he hasn't admitted that to himself yet."

"That sounds complicated. Maybe you should just back away." Niall suggested.

"What? No! I really like him, Ni. I can be patient. He'll hopefully come around someday." Harry answered.

"What if he doesn't? I don't want you to get hurt, Harry." Niall said concerned.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take because Louis is absolutely amazing." Harry answered with a small smile on his lips.

"Okay. I'm gonna leave you to it. I don't need to see you wee, but I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to." Niall grinned.

"I know. Thanks, Niall. Love you." Harry responded with a smile.

Niall got out of the bathroom. He snuck back to the living room. He didn't want to disturb Liam's conversation with Louis if they weren't done yet. He managed to catch the last thing Louis said. So Harry had been right. Louis felt confused. Poor guy. He would be really confused himself if he suddenly started to have feelings for another man. He totally understood and felt bad for Louis' sake.

They headed out to a pub after a while. Harry noticed that Louis was more distant toward him. He sighed but let him be for now. As soon as he found himself alone with Liam (Louis and Niall went to buy beers) he turned to him and almost growled.
"What the hell did you say to him?"

"I don't know, like, that it's okay if he's bi and like, that I don't want him to miss out on being happy just because he's scared." Liam admitted.

"That's sweet of you but he's not ready to hear that yet." Harry sighed but couldn't help but smile at Liam.

"Yeah, I got that. I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to make it worse. Have I ruined it now?" Liam answered, sounding devastated.

"No. We just have to give him some space until he figures this out. I can wait." Harry responded.

"You're a really great guy, Harry. I hope he comes to his senses soon." Liam replied with a smile.

"Yeah." Harry muttered.

Louis and Niall came back with another round of beers. Louis was on a mission to get drunk. He needed a break from his own brain. An hour later he had succeeded.
"Haaaarrrryyyy!" He shouted excitedly and threw an arm around the taller lad.

"How are you doing there, Lou?" Harry asked.

"Greeeeat! You know I like you right?" Louis grinned.

"I like you too but I think you should drink some water now, sober up a bit, yeah?" Harry said and handed him a glass of water that Liam had brought him.

"Booooring." Louis complained but he drank some anyway.

He sighed and put his head on Harry's shoulder.
"I'm so confused, Hazza." He muttered and closed his eyes.

"I know. Don't worry about it. Let's just get you home. You need to sleep." Harry said.

"I need... Yeah okay." Louis agreed with a sigh.

Harry called a cab and this time it was his turn to take care of a drunken Louis instead of the other way around. They said goodbye to the boys and Harry managed to get Louis inside of the car and buckled his seatbelt for him. He got in the backseat with him. Louis was leaning forward, resting his head in his hands.
"God, I'm really drunk." He muttered.

Harry patted his shoulder comforting. Ten minutes later the car pulled up outside Louis' house and Harry got out to help him inside after he paid the cab driver. Louis leaned heavily against him while they made their way to the front door. Louis gave Harry his keys so he could unlock the door and Harry helped him get inside.
"Come on, I'll help you to bed before I go home."

"Don't go, Haz. Just stay here." Louis whined.

"Fine. I'll take the guestroom." Harry agreed and flopped Louis down on his bed when they reached his bedroom.

"Noooo! I wanna cuddle you." Louis whined.

"Ehm, fine. Just try and get some sleep, Boo." Harry answered and laid down beside him, fully dressed.

Louis let out a content sigh and nuzzled closer, spooning Harry from behind. He fell asleep right away. Harry followed him shortly.

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