6-A cute Harry Styles

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A movie had turned into lunch and another movie and then dinner. Harry had stayed the whole day and Louis really enjoyed his company. Harry was easy to talk to. He was like no one Louis had ever met before and it confused him a little. Or at least the way he was thinking about him, reflecting on how beautiful he was, how much he liked his dimples and his curly hair, and the way his green eyes sparkled. That was just weird.

They met up a couple of days later. This time Harry had brought clothes that he could wear for interviews or at other public events that didn't require a suit. No pink, sparkling onesies this time. Louis actually liked all the clothes that Harry presented to him even if he preferred his sweats. Harry was really good at his job. He had read him and his style perfectly. It was nothing over the top. He made sure to compliment him and Harry blushed.

They somehow ended up at an Italian restaurant together later that day. Louis wasn't sure if it was he or Harry who had suggested it but he had a really great time in Harry's company. If he hadn't been straight this would definitely be considered a date. Now it was two new friends enjoying a meal together. He considered Harry a friend already. They just got along so well. He decided to bring up the subject.
"Harry, I just want you to know that I consider you a friend as well, not just my stylist even if you're great at what you do and you technically work for me. Ugh, you know what I mean."

Harry gave him a pensive look.
"Okay? Yeah, I mean, we're friends, Lou."

"You didn't sound so sure about that." Louis chuckled.

"What? Of course, we're friends! I like you, Louis. Just, don't be offended, are you sure you're straight?" Harry asked with hesitation.

Louis burst out laughing. What kind of question was that?
"Of course I am."

Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"Okay. I'm not. I hope you don't have a problem with that?"

Louis' eyes grew wide.
"You're not? Shit, of course, that's not a problem. I don't care about things like that."

"That shouldn't come as a surprise, Lou. I'm like proper gay." Harry chuckled amused.

Louis didn't know when Harry had started to call him Lou but he liked it.
"So someone can be unproper gay?" He smirked.

"That's not even a word! Improper! I don't know. Just forget I said that, except the I'm gay part. Let's just move on." Harry said with a snort.

"Fine. Do you wear panties?" Louis asked with a smirk.

Harry had just taken a sip of his wine and started to cough.
"No! What kind of question is that?"

Louis started to laugh.
"Just checking. You can wear whatever you like."

"And I do. That doesn't mean I want to wear panties." Harry answered amused.

"Okay." Louis smirked. He had no idea why he had asked that in the first place.

"Okay, this is getting weird. Just talk about something that doesn't involve panties." Harry said and laughed lightly.

"So do you wear a bra then?" Louis joked.

"No, I don't! Something that doesn't have to do with women's underwear. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like to dress like a girl." Harry sighed.

"I bet you would look really cute in a dress." Louis said with a wink.

"And I bet you'd love to see me in one." Harry replied and winked as well.

Okay, this could be interpreted as flirting. Louis had to stop this. Why would he flirt with Harry? A man? Oh God, he was losing it.
"I like football." He blurted out. Great subject. Very manly. No dresses involved.

"Well, football players are kind of hot." Harry said with a shoulder shrug.

"I used to play football." Louis replied. Why the hell did he say that? He mentally facepalmed.

"I'm not even gonna go there." Harry chuckled. "Stop fishing for compliments."

"I'm not!" Louis protested and he actually blushed.

Harry just smiled at him. They decided to share a chocolate cake for dessert. Louis paid for their meals even if Harry protested and when they walked out of the restaurant to go separate ways Harry leaned in and hugged him.
"I had a great time tonight, Lou. Thank you."

"Me too, bro." Louis replied and cringed at the use of the word bro. He never said that word. He hated people who used that word. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Bye, bro." Harry smirked and started to walk away.

"Harry? What are you doing tomorrow evening?" Louis shouted.

Harry turned around with an eyebrow raised.
"I don't know. What am I doing tomorrow evening?"

"Ehm, pizza and a movie?" Louis suggested.

"Sounds great. Seven?" Harry asked.

"Perfect. See you tomorrow then." Louis answered.

"Can't wait." Harry said and winked before he turned around and walked away.

Louis watched him leave with wrinkled eyebrows. He was so confused. He walked to his car and unlocked it. He got inside and just sat there staring out the window without really looking. His head was spinning, he couldn't really collect his thoughts. He knew why. He was afraid.

Something was going on with him that scared the living hell out of him. Something that turned his whole perception of himself upside down. How was this even possible? It couldn't be. He was just temporarily confused about his bromance with Harry, because that was what it was. They just got along really well. He could see them become best friends in the future because Harry was a really great guy. He was kind and funny. And...yeah he was fucking cute as well. He could think that about another man without it being something else than a completely platonic thing. He had eyes for christ's sake. Harry was a really good-looking young man. Oh for fucks sake! Louis sighed and turned on the engine and started to drive home. Fuck this shit!

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