Who Walks In On You Guys During A Heated Moment And What Do You Do

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A/N: This one will be separated into who we see them in the movie not their characters.

Losers Club

Jaeden Martell:

Who walks in on you guys: Sophia.

What you guys do: You guys separate and do your own thing.

You and Jaeden were on your bed watching tv when he kissed you and it got heated fast. You guys were in your own little world when you heard a voice speak.

Sophia: Hey Y/N would you like to go shopping with- oh!

Y/N: Sophia I'm so sorry. Uh yeah let's go. Sorry Jaeden.

Jaeden: It's ok. Go I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

From then on you always ask if people are coming over before you guys start anything.

Jack Dylan Grazer:

Who walks in on you guys: Chosen.

What you guys do: You end up leaving.

You and Jack haven't seen each other for a few weeks due to both of your schedules never really aligning up right to where you guys could spend time with each other. You were now at his house and you guys were sitting on the couch and started making out. He pulled you onto his lap and it got heated very quickly. A few seconds later you heard the front door open.

Chosen: Hey Dude you ready to see that movie- uh do I need to wait?

He pulled away from you.

Jack: Oh shit sorry bro I forgot. Uh yeah give me one second and I'll be ready.

Chosen: It's cool bro.

You weren't gonna give him a second. You were ready to leave.

Y/N: Listen I would love to stay but I have chores and if I don't do them my mom will have a cow. Baby I'll call you later ok?

Jack: Ok. I'll text you when I get there and before the movie starts. I love you.

Y/N: Love you too. Bye Chosen.

Chosen: Bye Y/N.

From then on you couldn't look Chosen in the eye ever again.

Finn Wolfhard:

Who walks in on you guys: Wyatt.

What you guys do: You get shy.

You and Finn were at his house in his basement and he was playing his guitar when he just stopped playing and he looked at you. You looked at him all confused and he didn't say anything that was until you felt his lips on yours and you just knew by the way that he was moving his lips against yours that he wanted to make out. You guys don't know how long you've been kissing for until you heard someone cough. You pulled away from one another.

Wyatt: So we still on for that video game stream tonight?

Finn: Yeah.

Wyatt: Y/N.

Y/N: Wyatt.

From then on you were always shy around Wyatt.

Wyatt Oleff.

Who walks in on you guys: Jeremy.

What you do: You go make food for them.

You and Wyatt were watching a movie but he thought making out would be better and so he started to make out with you. Jeremy was supposed to come hang with you guys today and you thought it would be quick but you guys weren't quick enough because you heard someone speak.

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