Chapter Seventeen: Ice, Ice Baby....Ho,Ho,Ho I'm On Fire!

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"Move your hands ahead of you and trace a circle using only your hands." Suzuki commands, doing the actions. I nod and follow.

"So what's this one called?"

"Flaming Whirlwind."

"Sweet." I say, then am flung back as a huge spinning whirlwind of fire shoots from my hands. I flinch hitting the ground and hear a grunt. I scratch my head, "Oops."

" little bitch." Suzuki growls between gritted teeth.

Touching his burnt shoulder. It sizzles under his touch. I wince as a sudden gust of fire shoots my way then jump out of the way. Landing on my knees and pushing myself up from the ground as the flaming whirlwind turns around and comes back at me. I gasp and start running. It follows and I freak out. Glaring at a horrifying Suzuki.

"Make it stop. Make it stop!" I scream, rushing down the training grounds field. "Make it stop!!"

"Heh, okay. If you say so." Suzuki snarls, throwing his hand out spinning a water whirlwind towards me. I jump out of the way and it collides with the fire. A small gust of warm air concludes the whirlwinds. Then I stare at him, bewildered.

"What the hell?"

"You hit me. Be happy I fucking let you live." Suzuki growls, Daegi holding his arm with an ice pack on the burn mark. I stare at them leave the ground and wait.

" traumatized or what?" Dukem asks, I just stare at him in a daze, "Well get up."

"Can he do that with all the elements?" I ask, intrigued. I could do that? Maybe.

"All except air. But remember that Suzuki is an Islandmin and Islandmin start training with elements since the moment they sprout from their seeds. They are merely 5 years of age when they begin." Dukem explains, I cross my legs. Do they start off alone?

"Go on." I say, making Dukem smirk. Then sit down and cross his legs. Looking at me, intensely.

"Islandmin are water nations creation. They are formed within a seed and planted into the ground. It takes about 6 months for the seed to sprout, that's when they can come out. Instead of needing a parent to look after them, they are welcomed into the world at the ages of 4, 5, and the oldest being 6. The oldest Islandmin has to watch over the others. The youngest is too young to start combat training but start up on elemental training. Girls and boys both take part in collecting food and creating safe shelters where they had sprouted. It is team work at its finest. Recently, all Islandmin have been separated by elemental use. It's starting a war up there as well. In their safe haven. I wish it wasn't so." Dukem concludes, sighing with sadness. I frown deeply.

"So they never really had parents. They just go with whatever life throws at them." I say, twirling my thumb in the dirt. "It's sad. I had parents but all they did was look at me with nothing but a frown on their faces. And...Islandmin don't even get parents. I can't even imagine."

"Hmm, me neither. I had Urian there to watch me. My dad. The only thing other than my fiancé that was precious to me." Dukem agrees, I pop up and blink my eyes.

"You're engaged? For how long?" I ask, confused. No engagement ring?

"I was betrothed to a beautiful girl who works for the royal family. The last time I saw her was before my father and I were shunned and thrown out Atlantis." Dukem answers, then sighs.

"Did you go see her?"

"Don't have the time. We need to train." Dukey simply says. I scowl.

"That's no excuse. You can go right now." I suggest, Dukem makes a face then lowers his head. I sigh in frustration, "Whats wrong?"

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