Full fledged human

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I'ts difficult to breathe as he pushes me down onto the bed. His room swirls by in a whirlwind of horror. This is happening. He's going to fuck me. 

I'm already on the verge of crying but I hold back my tears. I have to think of something else.

Looking around I find that his room is filled with random things and nothing at all. I somehow thought I would understand him - why he's doing this - if I got to see his house, but I was wrong. Turns out Rory was a full fledged human after all. 

I understand absolutely nothing, but that's usually how it is. 

He kicks off his shoes and pulls mine off before I can reach to undo them myself, or to undo this mess of a submission on my part. My fear of this is batteling the shame of my secret. Before I can decide what seems worst he stands back up and takes his hirt off. 

If my breath wasn't gone already this would have stolen it for sure. 

He's ripped to the moon and back. All I can do is protest quietly while he leans in over me. My fingers search frenetically after something to grab onto but all they find is the covers. Tears are pooling in the cornes of my eyes, and my heart is beating so luoudly I bet he can hear it too. The view of his body over mine is enough to make my frail little courage falter. He's going to hurt me. 

I'm just about to scream, kick and fight my way out from under him when his stare captures me. I never knew this but he has a pair of bright grey eyes and they watch me without nervously glancing at anything else. Iimmediately get busy studying every dust particle in the air. He places his hands on either side of my head and shoves my legs apart with his knee. Oh, no. 

"No, please" I beg with a voice weaker than a whisper. My hands catch his chest and I make a small effort to push him away. A small effort. Because I know there is no way out of this except for his mercy. I'm still so naive that I belive he has any. 

The hard pecks move under my fingers and I feel his heartbeat through my palm. I'm sweaty and he's excited. Dun-dun-dun. 

"Like what you see?" he teases me but my mouth is so dry I can't answer him. He flexes under my touch and I yank my hands away. "That's it, sweetie. Let me in" he muses and lowers his body onto mine. 

I can feel his body heat before his skin actually meets mine. The first thing is his jeans-clad hips that push me into the bed. His weight on my crotch is making me feel weird, but not as wierd as I feel when he lowers his head as if to kiss me. I immediatly turn my face away to give him access to my neck, or whatever he's after. 

He makes a displeased grunt and I understand that I've done something wrong. I don't know what and I don't know what to do now, so I just lie there and tremble. He's going to do something. He's going to hurt me. The tears are close and all I want is to curl up and let them out. 

"P-please..." I beg. My voice is trembling and I can't stop myself from curling into a ball. He's still over me, so close that he's prectically hugging me. As if Rory would ever hug someone. 

"Don't cry or I'll punch you" he mutters and climbs off. I feel the bed shift as his weight disappears. When I turn around he's leaning against a cluttered desk looking like a commercial for coke. 

The dust particles have all stopped and time is frozen in the moment of my misfortune. I always do something wrong. I always make them angry. 

"I said this would happen. You're my play thing. Or have you forgotten about our deal?" he says angrily. I always make them angry. I always make them want to hurt me. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, I-I'm so s-sorry" I chant and crawl off of the bed. Sitting on the floor hugging my knees I wait for him to say something, to do something, to hit me. 

The blow never comes.  

"Whatever, this is boring. I want a blowjob tomorrow, so figure out how to do that at least, or the deal's off" he mutters and kicks one of my shoes at me. I grab it and the other one and scramble out of his room and out of his house as if the big, bad wolf was chasing me. 

I don't understand him. I thought I would. Apparently Rory wasn't that easy to understand. Apperently he is a full fledged human.

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