Perfect tears

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I sit there on the floor where he just dumped me. I have so much wrong inside me. I want it all but I want it all to go away. There is so much pain, and I can't take it anymore. But when I think about tomorrow all of the doubts just go away. I know nothing is right. But the only thing I know for sure is that I want him. 

As I rush out through the doors I know I must make a ghastly sight, shirt open, pants crumpled and no shoes. But I run after him because this is a good chance to do something; and I don't get a lot of those. 

"RORY!" I call after him. The small human down the road turns around. "Rory!" I keep calling. I don't know what else to say. "Rory..." I panth, out of breath and delusional. "I don't want you stop. Or, well, some of it, but what I mean is-" 

"I'm sorry" he apologizes as if I'm crazy. Looking at the ground as if he just wants me to stop. 

"NO." I look into his sad eyes and show him that I really mean it. "I won't let you leave me" I tell him with all the courage I can manage. He stares at me like I'm a distant star. A lifetime of crushed hope fills that moment. All the pain. All the wrong. 

"... OK" he mumbles and looks away as a redness spreads over his cheeks. 

"OK" I repeat and then we just stand there, on a hellishly heated pavement road surrounded by yellow grass and dried out trees. Perfect tears roll down my cheeks and I snivel. When his inexperienced fingers find my hand I know that everything will be alright. 

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