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Ok. I'm here. I'm finally doing this. I am going to finish this. It's social distancing time and I am going to finish this!!
Honestly, I apologize it's literally taken me YEARS to write this story. I am always so so happy to see interest in it and I'm honored anyone wants to see more.
I'm feeling especially motivated since I just watched the Psych 2 movie (which was brilliant). Since this story was started before the movies, just assume it takes place anytime after season 8.

So here we go.

"Do you really think that women is capable of this?" The chief asked.
"Grief can make you do terrible things. Do you remember what she was like when we had her here? She was furious with us all. She couldn't control her actions at all," Jules explained, "We all thought she was upset, but it obviously goes deeper than that. Losing her son was a major trigger."
"Cmon chief, it's at least worth looking into." Shawn added. When he spoke up, it was like Arianna just noticed he was there.
"I don't remember hiring you to consult for the case." She said.
"The station was bombed. You need all the help you can get." Shawn retorted.
She looked at the three of them, Shawn, Gus and Jules. She sighed, "Fine. Pull her file and see what you can find out. If there's enough evidence, bring her in for questioning."


Back in their apartment, Shawn and Jules poured over the case files.
"Do you see anything that could connect these cases? Anything concrete?" Juliet asked.
Shawn was staring intently at the papers, deducing things in his mind as he does, but then he sighed.
"Honestly, Jules? Even I'm stumped. The motivation is theoretically there, but there's nothing connecting her to the bomb. How does a school teacher even learn how to make a bomb?" Shawn rattled off.
Juliet let her forehead fall into her palms, sighing.
"This case is so frustrating. I want to find her and talk to her but I haven't been cleared for the field yet." Shawn was next to her on the couch now, taking her hands into his.
"Jules, don't let this all be on you. This is all our case, not just you. Plus I have a plan." Shawn said.
Her eyes finally met his, softening a little when she looked at him.
"You know I always have your back right? It's me and you, always." Shawn pressed his lips softly to hers.
His touch made the corners of her mouth turn up in a soft smile, "Did you just say something actually romantic? Without using the word lovers?"
"Oh we are also great lovers as well as partners." Shawn quickly replied, earning a chuckle out of her.
"Is this plan of yours completely idiotic?" She asked.
"I guess I should expect nothing less." She laughed again and kissed him harder, grateful for the small moment of distraction.

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