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Juliet rounded the corner of the alley with her gun held close to her heart and her finger on the trigger. She ducked behind a huge crate located by one of the local restaurants. She didn't know what was in it, but she didn't care because right now it was giving her cover. They had been chasing this criminal for days. Without Shawn, she didn't think the police department would have ever caught him. Shawn had adjusted well to life in San Francisco; he even was interested in their wedding plans.

Juliet could hear her backup team that surround the street talking in her ear piece. They gave her the all clear to attack. She jumped out from behind the wooden crate and started firing. Everything moved too fast for her to see if the bullets from her gun hit him at all.

As suspected, he had a gun too; which he started firing as soon as she did.

On his record it said he was extremely dangerous because he had amazingly accurate aim.

Juliet looked down and saw dark red blood oozing out of her. The bullet went in by her right hip. She felt the bone and deducted that the bone had not been fractured too badly. Then she moved her hand to her back and found no exit wound, so the bullet must still be in her.

She looked back up at the man in the hooded jacket. He was no longer standing at point blank, ready to shoot her; he was lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Dead.

As soon as she knew she was safe from him she collapsed to the ground. She felt beyond light headed due to the excessive loss of blood. She heard other officers rush in to help her and look at the dead body. Black spots were sailing across her vision; she knew she couldn't stay awake much longer. Police officers were doing their best to stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrived. She meant to say thank you to them but all she had the strength to do was bring her left hand to her face and kiss the engagement ring that shone on her third finger.

Right before everything went black, she had one thought...


* * *

Hiya! This is just a little bit of the beginning of my Shawn and Juliet fanfiction:) The show just ended but I always want to end more so here's my continuation after season 8 :)

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