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the curtains on tutor room add an orange glow to the morning light, every morning a perfect sunrise. but tutor is not a morning person. definitely not.

it's weird.

it's really weird. he thinks.

tutor always chooses to wake up late, waiting ae as his living alarm because he hates morning. the reason is, when the morning everyone gathers to have meals together in the same place. obviously, tutor does not have any interest on it.

he has been doing this activity--waking up late in order to not join the breakfast agenda--since the time that he cannot figure it out. yeah, too long until the lad feels like he has been doing this since he was born.

the notification on his phone screen displays what is the time at the moment.

"7.00am? seriously?"

he bites his lower lips hesitantly. probably he loses his control because the limbs bringing him downstairs. where the sound of chatters poke his membrane, the voice of his family talking.

i think it's better to go back.

but before he can turn his body to walk upstairs, a female voice greets him softly--yet cannot hide the surprised inside its tone

"... tor?"

"uh ... yea?" the son replies doubtfully.

as doubt as the lad, his mother still tries to have conversation with him, "you're awake already. let's have breakfast together?"

although there are no sound from his lips, tutor nods his head. his legs walk approaching the dinning table. there, his orbs can see his dad is sitting on the eating room too. looking at him with unbelievable expression yet still smiling awkwardly.

maybe p'fight was right. his mind talks. his family always love him sincerely even the way is different from what he sees on pete. he just did not realize it back then because he always creates the space between himself and his family. he is the one who makes everything complicated.

after all, it seems the reason why tutor gets up earlier this morning because his soul knows about the truth, and since a long time ago he really wants to feel it.

"good morning, tutor." now his father greets him. with a deep manly voice and gentle smile upon his s lips.

"mm ... good morning, dad." even the last word escapes from his throat in low tone, his father can hear it clearly.

as the maid prepares their breakfast menu on the table, his gaze sweeps around the room because he cannot find pete and ae yet. don't they usually join the breakfast?

like can reading her son's thought, the mother utters, " pete always needs more time to prepare. he's gonna come here in a seconds."

secretly tutor smiles, making his chubby cheeks even looks chubbier.

what his mom stated before is right after all. in five minutes later, pete and ae comes together from the direction of pete's room--and after finding tutor is there, both of them look so surprised yet happy.

"tooor!!" pete screams happily. he rushes closer to hug his twin who sits there.

everyone in the room are really happy because the family finally complete like what it should be.


"tutor." once again his father calls his name, tutor only hums in low tone waiting for the older male to continue. "what time you class gonna start today?"

fightertutor: switch! - finishedWhere stories live. Discover now