What would you like Walmart Captain America? or Knockoff Draco Malfoy?

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Unknown Flashback Person around 10

"Father, Please let me go play with my cousins?"  The boy begged his father this was the only break he usually got for the hard work he puts the boy through

"Son you have to train to become the best warrior, for you shall be my best creation" My father scolded the boy displeasure written all over is face

"Father just a few minutes I just want to say hello and Ill go back to training and studying" The boy pleaded one more time, in the end, his father allowed for him to go to see them.

"Daniella? Daniel? you there?!" he yelled going to the front of the house hoping to spot them

"I told you to stop calling me you know I hate that name just use Diana?" The blonde heard a voice behind him, he whirled around to see his cousins hazel-green eyes and her twin brothers messy light brown hair hair.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked circling my finger around his face which made her brother grin

"Shut up Goofus we are still older than you remember that" He said mussing up the boys golden  locks they boy grumbled and swatted swatted his arm away

"Only by 4 months" He scowled glaring at both of them

"Listen we were born in 1990 September you were born 1991 January sooooo it's kind of a year difference" The brunette grinned standing next to her twin brother

"Ugh not you too Daniella" The blonde muttered and grinned and the frown that crossed her features as I used her real  name, for awhile now she has been going with Diana and not Daniella but I think thats ridiculous, just stick to the name you were given at birth.

"Last one to the rose bush is a rotten egg" Daniella yelled before darting away quickly her brother sighing before jogging behind her. The blonde ran as fast as he could until he was neck to neck with Daniella

"Hunter,  your going to be the rotten egg if you don't run faster" She yelled using her pet name for her twin who was walking now.

"I on the other hand don't care" He yelled back as we finally reached the rose bush

"I win" She said punching the air in excitement the blonde shook his head before saying

"Im pretty sure it was me" Pushing his now damp hair out of his face , but before he could protest she had already pushed me down to the floor her knee holding him down and her shinning ruby engraved dagger to his neck, her eyes bright as the wind whipped her hair back.

"What was that?"  Daniella asked cupping her other hand to her ear, the boy raised his eyebrows taking a quick glance at the silver dagger pointed to his neck it had a red jewel engraved at the hilt winking back at him.

"Nothing" he groaned rolling his eyes, she smiled her eyes filled with trimuph before flicking her wrist and the dagger changed back to its original form as a bracelet and she swiftly got off me. But not before helping me up.

"Thats what I thought" She said before turning to look at her brother who was slowly making his way toward us.

"What did I miss" He asked his voice pleasant as he finally made his way up to us. Glancing at my sweaty blonde hair and his sisters brown waves.

After we were done I went back home to my father so I could train like he said. But when I reached home there were traces of blood everywhere and I looked around for my father panic coursing through my veins. I couldn't find him anywhere, I ran back to the Bloodrose mansion to find that my cousins and my uncle have left somewhere and there was only Aunt Daliah who sent me to an institute where my father wanted me to go it was in New York...

𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔞 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔢 (Alec Lightwood)Where stories live. Discover now