The Shortest

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How long had it been? Surely it's been over a year and a half by now since the blonde had seen his hunter friends. He'd been aware that Leorio, Gon and Killua had met without him from time to time. Not that they hadn't invited Kurapika, it was simply just Kurapika's work for the Norstrade family kept him incredibly busy and days off were rare.

Though recently, the family had lost a lot of their money from bad investments and couldn't pay him full time anymore. So now, Kurapika was finally free to have more personal time. Though he made the mistake of relaying that information to Leorio who immediately demanded to see the blonde. Kurapika couldn't refuse, it really had been a long time.

Currently, the blonde was on an airship, sitting by his lonesome. The flight attendant passed checking on the passengers before stopping near Kurapika , "Hello, ma'am, you flying by yourself today?"

The blonde was almost irritated but sighed, not bothering to correct her false pronoun, "Yes, I am." Kurapika didn't blame her for the mistake, he had let his hair pretty much grow out over the past year so it had gotten quite a bit longer-about to his collar bone. Kurapika still found the extra brushing to be easier than just going to have it cut. He didn't trust himself to cut it.

"Okay. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"No thank you, I'm fine." Kurapika replied.

"Okie dokie, have a nice flight then." She offered a smile.

Kurapika gave a polite nod in response and watched as the lady walked away. He sighed to himself, settling in for a few hour flight. Once she was gone, Kurapika leaned to his left and pulled a book out for the ride.


Leorio was excited to say the least. How long had it been since they were all together? Gon and Killua had been staying with him for about a week now and were due to leave soon but would be around for at least another day or two while Kurapika was also visiting.

Currently the Med student had just finished tidying up his apartment in preparation while the two freeloaders -Gon and Killua- sat on the couch playing video games.

"Damn teenagers." Leorio muttered under his breathe.

"What? No fair!" Gon pouted, throwing his hands in the air, exasperated.

"Is too fair, I won fair and square!" Killua teased.

"No!! Play me again!" Gon demanded.

"Oh alright," Killua couldn't tell Gon no, so he began playing him again.

Meanwhile, Leorio was fumbling with the vacuum cleaner before unwrapping the cord and plugging it in. The loud roar of the vacuum went almost completely unnoticed by the two while they mashed buttons on their controllers, Gon more frantic than Killua. Leorio began to vacuum in front of them, while they eagerly tried to see around the mountain of a human being before he accidentally sucked up a cord, unplugging the console.

"Leorio!!" The both shouted in unison.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Leorio apologized.

"I was about to finally beat Killua!!" Gon pouted.

"You beat me?? Keep dreaming Gon, I had two more points than you!"

"There are points??" Gon questioned incredulously.

Killua facepalmed before adding, "You really didn't play any video games as a kid."

Leorio chuckled at the two before saying, "You guys could always help me clean."

"Oh! That right!" Gon exclaimed, as if the thought hadn't crossed his mind. That made Leorio just a little bit annoyed, "I'm sorry, Leorio." Gon apologized.

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