Following Your Heart...

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So this is strictly Slendy chapter. His thoughts about you know who and what he's going to do about it. Read on and find out!

~Fairfarren all

Slender man's POV

I laid Angela back in her bed and crept back out the window, of course not making a sound. I glided back into the woods, unable to think. My brain was going haywire and my new strange heart thrumming. It was hard getting used to having a heart, what with all the heavyness and ache, but it was worth it for her.

It wasn't just her though for the first time that was making me think long and hard. It was those men who were trying to hurt my Angela. They were the first people who I actually intended to kill. It made me shudder to think that she had been watching me turn into a monster. Or I should say the monster I really am. No one deserves to die. Not even evil, disgusting pigs that would degrade such a wonderful girl like that.

I gave a heavy sigh and climbed up my favorite tree. It had grown so dark so early, which meant it was becoming fall. I guessed it was close to Halloween, since I recalled seeing pumpkins with carved faces in them on people's door steps. I groaned at the thought of Halloween. It was my worst holiday. All the kids in town would try and look for me and usually couldn't find me. But there's always that one kid who decides to stray from the others and bumps into me. It's not a fun experience.

I wished there was a way where I can actually have some bonding time with Angela. I have no idea what she likes or what she hates. Hell I don't even know her last name! And I have this craving to know everything about her. Am I going nuts finally? I feel like I am. I'm losing my mind over some girl! Well, not just some girl. This was Angela. Sweet, understanding, beautiful Angela.

So what to do? I've never had this experience before. The constant thrumming of my heart whenever I thought of her was driving me crazy. What was I hoping for anyway? I'm a monster, a creature that belongs in the darkness. Angela is an angel, pure and good hearted.

The sound of people talking close by aroused my attention. I looked down and almost fell out of my tree. Two teens were standing right under my tree. MY TREE. Is everyone stupid? Do they not know what I can do? Ugh...mortals.

Anyway they were talking. One was a boy and one was a girl. The tone of their voices sounded playful and teasing. Kinda cute actually. The guy took out a single white candle and lit it up with a lighter. He placed it on the floor and took out two small wrapped up burgers. The girl giggled in delight. They sat and started to joke around and eat. I marveled at them in awe. They could so easily talk and flirt while I just scare the crap out of Angela. I wish there was some way I could-

I gasped (silently of course). That's it! I though as a brilliant idea struck me. Well at least I hope it's brilliant to Angela of course.

I was so excited that it was hard to sleep that night. But I eventually did and when the sun rose, I opened my eyes and found something horrific. The couple from last night were lying on the ground, tangled in each others arms staring at me with horrified, unblinking eyes...dead. They must've seen me while I was sleeping and died of fright, poor things. This made me depressed for the rest of the day. The only thing keeping me from not pursuing my idea was having the hope of seeing Angela again.

It nearly took me all day to set up, but it was worth it. Plus, I don't exactly have a full calendar. It was nearly nightfall when I finished. I looked at my work satisfied and at around seven waited for her to come. I was so excited. More excited than I've ever been in my entire life. For once I get to do something actually normal! Ugh what was taking so long? I checked on this clock I had found in the woods. 7:01. My God I had no patients.

So I waited...and waited....and waited. What was taking her so long? Did she decide not to come? Or maybe she was in danger?! No, no I would've felt that. No she probably can't come for some strange reason. It was 10:00 by the time I figured out why Angela wasn't coming.

I didn't even invite her.

I dashed to a pen and paper and scribbled down a note. I don't have good handwriting so I hoped she would be able to read my frantic invitation. I ran as fast as I could (which was very very fast) to Angela's house. I grew to a large enough size to be level with her window and looked inside. Angela was there, sleeping peacefully. I gazed at her hungrily. Oh how I wished I could-

Slendy...I warned myself.

I taped the paper quietly on the window and shrunk back down to run off again. I made it back safe and saw that everything was still perfect, thank God. Maybe this will be my lucky night. Maybe I will finally know Angela.

At least I hoped.

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