Drarry loving-Chapter 18

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*Harrys POV*
Even though Draco and Harry weren't together anymore, Harry still loved Draco. Hearing Draco call his name with such happiness made harry just want to jump into Draco's arms and yell 'love me!'

"Harry" Draco called, a smile grew quickly. Draco ran straight to Harry and kissed him on the lips happily before pulling away quickly and blushing. They probably shouldn't be kissing if they weren't together. "Sorry, uh, here's your present for Valentine's Day. I had it before we broke up so I just thought I'd still give to you" Draco said awkwardly.

Harry laughed and gave Draco his present "Same here" he said smiling. "Open it" they both said at the same time, eager for the other to open the gifts. Draco opened his. He gasped and immediately put the watch on. Draco had a talent for being able to put watches on himself as Harry had to get other people to put it on for him. "Open yours" Draco insisted.

Harry unwrapped the gift and starred down at it.

*Draco's POV*
Harry ripped open his present and starred down at it. The cover of the photo book had a picture of them sitting together at the black lake laughing. It didn't have a title. Harry was still starring at the front cover.


A small, almost silent drop of water fell on the photo book. Draco looked up to see if there was a leak above them. Nope. He looked at Harry. On the tip of Harry's nose was a tear drop that fell and splashed onto the book. Harry sniffled and looked up at Draco.

"I love you"

He said before bursting into tears and launching himself at Draco for a hug. "I miss you so much! Take me back! Please!" Harry begged. Draco was so stunned he didn't know what was happening. When he realised, he smiled "Of course, Harry" Draco said hugging Harry.

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks for lunch" Harry planed, looking up at Draco for approval. Draco nodded while smiling. "Should I tell Ron and Hermione now, or later?" Harry asked "Later. Today is about us." Draco said before grabbing Harry's hand and leading him down to the Black Lake.

"What are we doing here?" Harry asked. "Remember that time we came down here and then it turned out there were a whole bunch of girls hiding behind the trees recording us" Draco said, looking at the lake.

Draco looked at the pebbles beneath his feet and got an idea. He pick up two flat rocks and handed one to Harry. "Want to skip rocks?" He offered. Harry smiled "Sure."

Draco and Harry spent around an hour down at the Black Lake skipping rocks and talking about anything random. It was around twelve when they made they're way to the Three Broomsticks.

"Harry! Draco?!" Exclaimed Hermione. Ron looked over to see Harry and Draco standing in the doorway of the Three Broomsticks. "What are you guys doing here, I thought you broke up?" Ron looked confused. "Hey! How about you come sit at our table, tell us what happened and drinks on us." Hermione said pulling up two chairs to their table.

Draco and Harry shuffled over to Ron and Hermione and sat down. "Okay, so four butter beers all round?" Ron said getting up. "Yes" Hermione replied. Draco and Harry didn't have to say a word as Ron and Hermione were practically commanding everything or had it under control.

It took about thirty minutes for Harry and Draco to tell Ron and Hermione what happened because some curtain people *cough cough Ron and Hermione cough cough* were interrupting.

"Awwww, so cute!" Hermione squealed. "Calm down 'Mione!" Ron said trying to calm Hermione. She gave him a glare before Ron squealed "They're so cute!" Harry and Draco looked at each other nervously. "Well, we best be off. Lots of places to go... See you guys later." Harry said before leading Draco back to the Hogwarts grounds.

"Hey, umm... Can we practice our spells? For the tournament? I haven't trained for a while" Harry asked. "Of course!" Draco said getting his wand out.

"Ready?" Draco asked "Ready." Harry said. Then they started to battle, no extremely harmful spells.

*Harry's POV*
Harry hadn't been practicing his spells lately so he wasn't holding up very well. Harry went flying through the air as Draco hit him with a spell.

"Getting rusty, Potter" Draco joked. "Yeah, how about we see how you go playing a bit of quidditch. Eh, Malfoy?" Harry joked back. Draco's eyes widen. "It's been a while since I've played" Draco said trying to get out of it. "And it's been a while since I practiced my spells." Harry said confidently. "But it's been about a year since I've played quidditch, it's been about 2 weeks since you practiced spells." Draco said almost getting out of it.

"Just a small round? Before the tournament? It's tomorrow morning!" Harry pouted. He knew Draco couldn't resist the pouty face. "Mmmm? Uggggg! Fine!" Draco said, not being able to resist the pout. "Yay!" Harry said and ran off to get two broomsticks. After a while, Harry returned with to broomsticks and a snitch.

"Ready?" Harry asked holding up the snitch with two fingers.

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