Drarry loving-Chapter 7

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*Harry's POV*

Harry was scared. About everything. It was just a day away from his first challenge in the tournament. He had no clue what he had to do. But nothing mattered more than his Draco. Harry felt he HAD to win for Draco, his one true love. He loved Draco more than anything and Draco was so nice and was supportive when Harry wanted to just curl up and cry, hide from the world.

Draco was the one thing that kept Harry going. He decided to go to the Black Lake to think. Draco had told him that sometimes you just need to get away from the world for a bit and that he found forest areas most tranquil.

He was there about 30 minutes before Ron trampled through the forest and told Harry that Hagrid was looking for him. Harry sat for a little more before going to find Hagrid. "Okay I don't think I would be able to do this but I will, it might help you with the tournament too" Hagrid said before they wondered into the forbidden forest.

After 10 minutes of walking, they hid behind some bushes. In the clearing, there were four large cages, each holding a dragon. Hagrid said that it was the first challenge. Harry felt dizzy at the thought that at the age of 14 and in a month, his life was crazy. He'd gotten in his first relationship (kept a secret), is a competitor in the Tri Wizard Tournament, had his secret relationship spilled to half the grade over night and now might have to fight a dragon.

He wanted Draco. He wanted to sit and cuddle and kiss Draco. He wanted Draco to make all his problems melt away. Sometimes, Harry felt Draco could melt his problems away into nothingness, but he knew that the bigger the problem the harder it was for Draco to deal with. Harry knew that he was clingy and depended on only the trusted people in his life. He felt sorry for them.

"Um... I better get going I'm getting tired and I don't want to be tired for the tournament tomorrow" Harry lied, hoping Hagrid would fall for it "At noon?" Hagrid asked "Yeah, so if you don't mind I'll be off". Harry ran off to find Draco. Unfortunately, now the WHOLE grade knew about 'drarry' so he was stopped and asked stuff like 'is it true?' 'Aww so cute!!!'

"Stop!!! Please, let me through!!!" Harry shrieked before sprinting through the crowd. He noticed a large group of girls squealing, then the voice if his love.

"Ahhhhh!!! Leave me alone!!!" Harry pushed his way through the crowd. He didn't need to look who was standing in the centre of the crowd. He pulled his love into a long passionate kiss that earned lots of awwwwww's. Harry pulled away before burying his head in the crook of Draco's neck. "I'm scared" Harry whispered in Draco's ear, tears streaming down his face.

*Draco's POV*

"Harry, what's wrong? How about we go SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!!! And talk" making part of his sentence very loud for everyone to hear.

All the fan girls moved away, getting the jist. Harry lead Draco to the Black Lake to talk. "Draco, I'm scared. I have to fight a dragon... For the tournament. I'm scared. I'm not ready for it" Harry cried into Draco's chest "it's alr-"


The pair turned around to see who was there but found no one. Harry placed his head on Draco's chest again, but Draco kept looking. No one. He leaned against the tree again "It's alri-"


"Who's there? Show yourself!" Draco demanded, knowing someone was there. He could hear a whisper. He got up and looked around. He heard a giggle. He jumped around a tree to scare a Hufflepuff girl who screamed and dropped- what was that? Recording equipment? Looked like it. Draco picked it up and studied it "What's this?" He demanded. The girl tried reaching for it but Draco moved it out of her reach. "It's recording equipment, okay!" She confessed reaching for her stuff again. "Why do you need it? Why are you here?" Draco asked, still studying the equipment

"Look, I think you and Harry are adorable and you are my favourite couple in the school and I just wanted to record you guys for a bit. Jeez." She answered, this time leaping for her stuff, succeeding in retrieving it. She ran off but Draco didn't want THAT conversation to be recorded "Wait!" He called to the girl who looked back and smiled evilly. "Harry! Come on that girl just recorded our conversation. Please, we gotta go after her!" Draco said desperately jumping a little. Harry didn't need to be told twice.

As he raced past Draco and grabbed his boyfriends wrist both sprinting, quite gracefully after the girl before catching up to her. She turned around to face them, she grinned before a small POOF and she was gone. "No, no ,no NO! This can't be happening... My life is over" Harry dropped to the ground in tears flowing down his rosy cheeks. "Awww, Harry it's alright your going to be fine. They're not going to let a dragon kill you" Draco explained


Someone was still around. Draco twisted around to see nearly half the girls in their grade pressed up against trees with cameras and recording equipment. "Give me those!" Draco yelled leaping at the nearest girl reaching for the items cradled in her arms.

"NEVER!" She fought back. Suddenly, all the girls started running, it was much like a stampede of fan girls. "Harry! Try getting some of their stuff! They recorded us!!!" Draco screeched still fighting with the girl for her equipment. Harry didn't seem up for the task but his idea was just as good.

"Fine! Keep on running! Looks like you don't want to hear about the time we got together" Harry said still crying a little. That stopped ALL the girls. They quickly shuffled closer so they could hear Harry talking. "First give me your stuff" he said gesturing to the equipment in their arms "Will you really tell us the story?" A girl asked "Yeah" Harry said assuringly. All the girls threw their equipment at Harry. "Owww! Hey, be nice or I won't tell you the story!" Harry teased.

"Let me go, I want to hear!" Complained the girl Draco was fighting "Give me your stuff first, then I'll let you go!" Draco said trying to snatch the stuff out of her arms this time succeeding. Then Draco went to join everyone for the story telling. He got all the equipment safely out of the girls reach so they couldn't take it and sat with Harry. Both of them told the girls the story, adding in parts that the other had missed. It was actually quite fun.

All the girls started crying from happiness. "I'm so supporting Harry for the Tri Wizard Tournament!" One girl said, starting a trend "Yeah, me too!" "Don't forget me!" "Or me!" They all started chatting and saying what their favourite part was. Draco and Harry took this time to sneak away taking the equipment not wanting their conversation to be heard all around the school. They slowly walked away then sprinted like there was no tomorrow.

"What do we do with this?" Harry asked Draco who was studying one "I don't know. Do you want to listen to them?" Draco offered "Sure" Harry agreed. They decided to go to the Room of Requirement to listen to the tapes and see what the girls had recorded. They listened to the tapes for about 30 minutes before getting hungry. Draco summoned his house elf to bring them food.

"Those girls must be big fans, they've recorded a lot" Harry said through a mouth full of peanut butter sandwich "Yeah have you seen some of the footage they've got! They've got videos of us kissing and hugging!" Draco added. "Really? Let's see then" Harry looked over Draco's shoulder, watching the video of them hugging and stealing kisses from each other.

By now, it was getting late. "I'm hungry" Harry complained "Fine, let's go to dinner" Draco gave in quickly as he was quite hungry too. While they were walking there, Harry pointed out that no one was in the corridors. Once they reached the great hall, it was filled with darkness. "Did we miss dinner?" Harry asked seeming upset "I guess we did. Do you want my house elf to get us more food back in the Room of Requirements?" Draco offered. Harry nodded in response and nearly got caught.

When they entered the room, there was a king bed in the corner and the tapes on a table next to the bed. Harry shuffled into the room and climbed under the covers of the bed. "Sorry I'm tired, we'll continue watching the tapes in the morning" Draco agreed and walked over to the bed before climbing in next to Harry. Draco held Harry close and drifted in to a dreamless sleep. Harry though, seemed to have nightmares that night.

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