Drarry loving-Chapter 10

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*Harry's POV*

Harry and Draco were sleeping together after a big party thrown for Harry because he successfully completed the first stage of the Tri Wizard Tournament. Although, around midnight, Harry felt Draco tugging at him like he about to fall out of the bed. Harry rolled to see a robed figure like he had seen in a recent dream pulling Draco out of the bed. Somehow, Draco was still asleep. Then the figure apperated away with Draco.

"DRACO!" Harry screamed as his boyfriend was being taken away from him.

"Harry! What's wrong?" Ron asked as he got out of bed and realised Draco was gone. Harry looked Ron in the eyes "He took him" Harry said, fear leaked in his words. "Who took who?" Ron said trying to comfort his best friend. "Voldemort, he took my Draco. My Draco." Harry whispered, tears rolled down his cheeks. He wanted His Draco back right now.

"What are you talking about Harry, Voldemort doesn't have enough power" Ron said in disbelief "I saw him. In a dream and just then..." Harry trailed off looking where Draco had been moments before, more tears streaming down his face. "How do we find him? I'm willing to help you find him if you want my help" Ron offered.

"I think I know where to look first. Malfoy manor. Are you sure you want to come?" Harry planned "Of course I'll come, you might need help" Ron said before both boys grabbed their wands and apperated to the manor. Instantly, Harry heard voices.

"What are we going to do with him?" A voice asked "He's a trap. Harry Potter is 'in love' with him and now Harry will come here to save his 'boyfriend' and then I and only I will kill him once and for all" Harry knew that voice- Voldemort.

Harry was heart broken.

His love didn't love him back. Draco was just a trap. Harry felt liked he'd been played. But he still loved Draco. Harry WAS going to save Draco and Harry WAS going to get answers. Even if it was the last thing he was going to do.

"What's the plan?" Ron asked, ready to jump out and scream 'this is war!'. Harry hadn't thought that far, he just knew that he was going to save Draco. "Um... Not sure. Got any plans?" Harry asked Ron who looked like he had a plan to share.

"Okay, we find where everyone is, then we jump out, then we shoot every spell we know and knock these people out, then grab Draco and get out of here." Ron summed up. Harry didn't have any other plans and it sounded like an okay plan to Harry so he agreed to do it.

Now, they crept along to corridors trying to find where everyone was. Finally, they a large hall and all kinds of evil was there. "On the count of three" Harry said, thinking only now that the plan might get them killed, but Harry wanted to at least die trying to save Draco.

"One... Two... THREE!!!" Ron and Harry burst through the doors, shooting any spell any where. Some spells where dangerous others weren't. Everyone in the hall looked shocked by the sudden ambush but barely had enough time to do anything about it as they were hit with all types of curses.

Suddenly, a curse came out of Harry wand that made him regret ever sending it- avada kedavra.

Harry screamed as the spell hurtled towards Draco's mother. She looked shocked and scared, but she knew her life wound end soon. The spell never hit her as her sister, Bellatrix, jumped in front bravely. Harry was relieved because Draco had always said his mother was very nice.

Harry spotted Draco passed out in a chair. Whilst shooting spells everywhere, Harry sprinted for Draco. He woke up and looked very confused to why Ron was there shooting spells left, right and centre. Then he noticed Harry, who wrapped an arm around him and helped him out of the chair.

"Ron, we got to go" Harry said, struggling to keep Draco on his feet. Draco said they put some curse on him but he wasn't sure which one but it made him sleepy and unable to walk straight and without falling over. Harry hobbled over Ron and they apperated back to the great hall- Ron's choice. It was time for breakfast, and like nothing happened, Ron sat down and started stuffing his face.

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