Drarry loving-Chapter 12

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*Morning of Tri Wizard Tournament*

*Draco's POV*

This morning is the day of the Tri Wizard Tournament. Harry seemed to be freaking out as he started questioning everything. "Harry, you're going to be fine, trust me" Draco assured. "What if I die. What happens then?" Harry asked looking deep into Draco's eyes. "Harry, they're not going to let you die. I won't allow it" Draco said in a reassuring tone.

Harry looked up at Draco with his eyes saying thank you. "Well, I have to go with the other competitors now. See ya Dray!" Harry shouted as he ran off. Dray. Where did that come from? Draco didn't mind it, but he didn't like it either. Hmmmm. Have to come up with a name for Harry now Draco thought. What could get to Harry in a joking way. Well Harry hated baby talk, yet he used baby talk on Draco. Hawwy. It's baby talk Harry. He would hate it Draco thought evilly, but jokingly. After the task Draco would test the name.

He wondered down to where everyone was going when Ron and Hermione bounded up to him. "Uh... Hello?" Draco said as they smiled at him creepily. "Hey, you know how you're dating Harry?" Ron blurted out "Of course he knows Ronald!" Hermione butted in "Well... Valentines day is coming up" Ron added, ignoring what Hermione said. (I know it isn't close to valentines day in the movie or book but just roll with it. It's gunna be cute) "REALLY?!?!" Draco panicked, totally forgetting about the celebration. "Yeah, any way, we know what you should get Harry. He been talking about it for years and we-" Hermione motioned towards Ron and herself "Think you should SOOOO get something for Harry. What do you say?"

Draco really didn't know what to get Harry, so why not just go for it? "Okay, what is it?" Draco said, eager to get Harry the best valentines day present EVER!!! "Okay, okay! Harry has always nagged us about how he wanted to be in a relationship" Hermione started "Yes?" Draco said, waiting for the answer "He wanted a photo book of all cute photos about the relationship" Ron finished. He was almost as bad as a fangirling Hermione, and that was bad. "Really? I would've thought he might want something more, like, like a, like a new broom or something" Draco said, wondering if Harry would actually like it.

"We must talk later, but for now... Goodbye" Ron and Hermione said mysteriously before backing away in the shadows. What was that? Draco never knew Harry's friends could be so weird but Draco was more focused on seeing Harry completing his challenge. He leaped on to a boat that took him out to three islands in the middle of the Black Lake where spectators could watch how the competitors went. Draco found Harry getting ready to dive in the lake. Harry flashed Draco a quick smile before stuffing something in his mouth he clearly didn't like. He started gagging and ended up being pushed in the lake by mad eye moody. "HARRY!" Draco screeched as Harry flopped into the murky water. Draco tried to get a glimpse under the water and see if Harry was fine.

Suddenly Draco heard a strange chuckle. He whipped around to see Snape. Snape can laugh? Not relevant, have to know if Harry's alright, Draco stressed. "I can see you're worried about him" Snape said "Wouldn't anyone if the love of their life was just pushed in a lake while he was gagging on something!" Draco yelled, his eyes not leaving the water. "You have a point, but you know he was eating his gillyweed, right?" Snape questioned. Right. Harry did have to eat that to breath underwater and complete the challenge. "You forgot, didn't you?" Snape chuckled at Draco's stupidity. "What!? I have a lot on my mind!" Draco said, as he went into deep thoughts about what photos he should use for the photo book. Why he was he thinking about things that were not, at all relevant to what was happening.

Harry. Need to focus on Harry. Draco had to stay focused, especially now. He had to be the first to congratulate Harry when he completed the challenge. He wanted to be the first. He wanted to be the best boyfriend ever and be the first person Harry saw when he won the challenge. Draco knew Harry would win the challenge. Just knew it.

After about thirty minutes, two people burst to the surface of the water. "Harry!?" Draco said hopeful that his boyfriend was there. "YEAH!!!" Cedric boomed as he climbed out of the water. His friends cheered wildly. Cedric gave Draco a strange wink that made him scan the water again for Harry.

*Cedric's POV*
Cedric was the first to surface the Black Lake for the challenge. He couldn't see Star Kid potter anywhere on the floating islands, so that was a good sign. It might prove to Draco that Cedric was better than Scarface Potter. Cedric had a huge crush on Draco ever since the Slytherin came to Hogwarts. In Cedric's eyes, Draco was perfect.

As Cedric climbed out of the cold water, he flashed Draco a quick wink although the gesture seemed to make Draco uneasy as he shifted his weight and scanned the water. He must be looking for Potter. Apparently Draco and Harry were dating. Cedric hated the thought and wanted to make Draco realise that he was the better choice than the scrawny Scarface.

*Harry's POV*
Harry had just found a clearing with his friends Ron and Hermione and another girl he couldn't recognise. They all had ropes tied to their ankles. There was one rope floating around, so he was guessing that another competitor had gotten there before him. As Harry swam towards the floating people, some seaweed to his left started to rustle. He didn't have a way of defending himself, then he remembered Draco's advise- you have you wand.

Suddenly, a shark human hybrid burst through the seaweed and snapped Hermione's rope and pulled her toward the surface. Harry guessed it was one of the other competitors. He looked at the remaining people, who only consisted of Ron and a young girl who was probably meant for another competitor but Harry was going to save her anyway. There wasn't much time left so he quickly preformed some spells, breaking the ropes and hauling the girl and Ron to the surface.

Before Harry could reach the surface of the cold water, he felt something latch on to his ankle. Something was zapping him or biting him because he could feel it. When Harry looked down, he saw an octopus human creature wrapped around his ankle, still biting or stinging. Harry tried shaking it off, but it didn't work. Many more of the octopus hybrid creatures started to wrap themselves around Harry. He quickly pushed both Ron and the girl to the surface of the water as the hybrid creatures started to pull Harry down deeper.

With most of Harry's effort, he used a quick spell that zapped the creatures off him. They quickly speed into the depths of the Black Lake. Before Harry could pass out, he preformed another spell that shot him out if the water, and on to one of the floating islands.

"Harry!" Angels sang, wait no, it was just Draco although he was just as good. "Dray!" Harry exclaimed as he started to shiver. Draco pulled out a nice fluffy towel and wrapped it around Harry as they hugged each other. "How's my widdle Hawwy?" Draco patronised. Where did that come from? Maybe Draco didn't like then nickname Dray and was getting back at Harry. He was going to continue with the nicknames because he thought of a few that Draco would hate. "I'm fine, but how did my ickle dracikins do with out me?" Harry joked and saw in Draco's eyes, that he absolutely hated the nickname.

*Cedric's POV*
MERLINS BEARD!!! What are Harry and Draco doing!??! Cedric over heard them giving each other strange nicknames like dray and dracikins. Hearing Harry say these things to Draco made his blood boil. Cedric felt that only he should being saying things like that to Draco. How could Cedric tear the pair apart? He had no clue. He could asked for help, but people love 'Drarry' as it was called so no one would help him. Unless... He knew a few people who hated Drarry. Yes this was all coming together.

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