Growing up with the Hunter part 6

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The Hunter POV

I am with the other survivors and my cutest hunters pups but I am glad they let me stay with them because I don't want nothing bad happened to them, plus Elice "Alice" is sleeping on my back. The Hunter stay close to the twins and making sure they are safe also he can be a father figure to them, since he is the only one taking good care of them ever he find and save Ellis from the infections.

Ellis POV

The hoodie dude is the best father figure to me ever since he find and save me from the infections, he kinda took a role of a father like... Umm... A father wolf or wasn't a mother wolf watch over their wolf pups? Anyway, mah "my" sis like the Hunter so much that we became the weirdest family! "Hunter, you think why Ma and Pa left me and sis behind?" I looked at the Hunter. Ellis is wondering why his parents will left him and his sister behind.

The Hunter POV

"Grr?" I looked over to Ellis and I was very curious for myself as well, why their parents will leave their own children behind? I mean I did see them trying to evacuate from the infections. "T-they... For... Got... About... You... Guys..." I was trying to get some word out from my mouth but a few of them came out. The Hunter did watch their parents was trying to evacuate to live but they forgot about their own children. I hugs my pups close to me so they feel they are alone. "Purrs~." The Hunter hugs his pups and purring.

Nick and Zoey POV

("I can see why, I guess the jumper was a human like us and I believe he has a family once before. When the outbreak came, he got infection from the virus and he didn't let the infection take over him so he lead his family to safely that's way he can stay behind but I kinda feel bad for him even he is a zombie but he care about the twins. Plus I hope the military don't shoot him even he is a infection, the Hunter care for them.") Nick and Zoey realize the Hunter have a family once before he became a zombie.

Carla POV

I giggles and smiles when the Hunter hugs the twins. ("I guess he won't attack or hurt them. Maybe they are changing him.") Carla watch the Hunter hugs the twins and smiles at them.

Coach POV

"Ok y'all, we might find a way out of here." I looked at my team to see if they have any ideas how to get out of here. Coach is the leader of the group and making sure everyone is safe, making sure everyone is not bitten from a zombie.

Ellis POV

"I think we should go to the the carnival then stage that where the band play at also we can use the fireworks as a S.O.S. for help then get on a whirly birdie." I look at Coach but it's was the only ideas that I had already. Ellis told his ideas how to get out and he remember a carnival that he know about even a rock band stage too.

Francis POV

"That's not a bad idea kid also how you know that?" I liked Ellis' ideas and I even shocked that he know about a rock band stage have fireworks to single a an S.O.S. but this kid is smart. Francis actually like Ellis' ideas and wonder how a young child like Ellis know a rock band stage has fireworks.

Louis and Rochelle POV

("A smart kid and he is too cute.") We both agreed with Ellis' idea and liked it as well. They was shocked as well that Ellis know where is it even at a very young age for an 8-years-old.

Everyone agreed with Ellis' idea and Coach let's him lead the way to carnival cause Ellis know where is the carnival is it at the whole time. They thought the twins went to the  carnival once before even the rock show as well.

We are save...

To be continue...

Hunter protect and keep Ellis safeWhere stories live. Discover now