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One eye pries open but the pain my eyes carry is unbearable. It's like I have a headache in my eyes, they feel too heavy to hold open, and too heavy keep wide. So I squint, taking in my surroundings and finding myself to be in what looks like a hotel room.

How on earth did I get here?

I'm still dressed in last nights clothes so that's a good thing. My panties are still on and my head and feet are the only things that feel numb.

Why can't I remember anything from last night?

All I remember is wanting to get out of my apartment, out of my hard work of training, and out of my thoughts of Roni. My eyes flutter closed yet again, from the heaviness they hold as I drift off back to my sleep, and dream some more.

The sweet smell of a grilled cheese fills the air and the succulent taste oozes in my mouth before I even see my food. But still being asleep... I wonder... am I dreaming?

But then I know this is just a dream, because I'm in an unknown home, a home that has such a family vibe with modern wallpaper and white walls, mirrors and furniture, pictures and all.

The sound of bear feet padding along the halls and doors softly opening and shutting and clearly someone is being careful of my sleeping self.

"Mom" a soft voice whispers. "Mom wake up" it echoes again. "Ma, can I get in bed with you for morning tuddles" and instantly my eyes open wide to my sweet little boy by my side.

"Of course kiddo" I shuffle over slightly and peel back the duvet. He rolls on his side and I throw my arm around him and nuzzle my nose in his shoulder and breathe heavy with my eyes open.

"For my 10th birthday, can I have a phone?" A scoff erupts sleeplessly.

"We shall see"  I whisper.

"Oh and a Segway" he adds on, making his birthday list bigger and bigger and more expensive. "Or a horse"

All of the sudden the door opens wide letting in the day light and in the door way stands a flawless beautiful figure.  No features of the unknown is seeable but I know who it is from those stunning curves.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I told him not to wake you up" a voice as pure and sweet bellows.

"It's fine, honestly. How could I resist morning tuggles with my precious boy." I grin as I mess his head of hair and listen for that annoying groan he does. I swear he is already becoming a teenager.

"Henry, why don't you go and get dressed, we can go a walk to see your grandparents later on after breakfast, how does that sound?" And just like that he flew out of my arms and begins jumping on the bed. With annoyance, I bury myself under the duvet, hiding every inch of myself.

"Can I talk to the birds with grandma, or fight some trolls with grandpa, or even go driving, or sword fighting" he goes on and on... what... why would anybody talk to bird, of sword fight, or fight some trolls. I guess he is still such an imaginative boy.

"Sure maybe, if you hurry and get dressed" his other mom suggests, and as quick as the wind he ran out the bedroom, and I still feel that shadow lingering in the doorway. That sexy beautiful figure.



"Emma" and that's when I realise this wasn't a dream at all. This was a flashback, a memory, a beautiful memory coming to me. I throw back the duvet knowing she is in fact calling my name.

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