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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" Someone screams from the top of her lungs, throwing her joyful arms up in the air and almost spilling that half full glass of whatever strong drink seems to be intoxicating the brunette. Everyone is grinning wide at the woman standing on the bar, everyone admiring her beauty and how happy she seems to be, yet I'm more worried about the fact that she is dangerously close to the edge.

And as expected, that little turn of her heel sends her falling.... falling into my arms. It's lucky that I seen this coming and that I was there to stop her falling flat on the floor. That would be humiliating.

"You need to be careful" I whisper into her ear over the loud music blaring through the bar.

"Thank you" she blushes, patting her hand on my chest as she places one foot steadily to the ground. "I guess I lost my balance for a second there"

Now I see why everyone was admiring her beauty. The way her brown eyes glisten in any form of lighting. The way her pearly smile lights up the entire room. The way her rosey cheeks blush harder when peering in my eyes for some strange reason. Or maybe it's just hot in here.

"Can I get you a drink?" She sweetly offers. "On the house" she shouts over the bar as she takes her stand behind the bar top. She grabs a glass from under the shelf's and pours one of her favourite specials. I wonder why.... 21% alcohol. Send help.

"You work here? Surely you're a little too drunk to be working behind the bar?" I question timidly not knowing how a drunk person will react.

"Look blondie. You're at Roni's bar. Roni is me, this is my bar now drink the drink or get out" she sasses back and damn does she get my heart racing. "My bar my rules and if I wanna drink, then I drink" she says raising her glass and sliding mine across the bar top. I grab the drink and repeat her actions, making our glasses clink as they connect.

But that wasn't the end. No, I was drinking all night, she wouldn't stop pouring me drinks and it was only a few I had actually paid for.

I was so highly intoxicated that I was sure I wouldn't remember any of this night. Who even goes out on Christmas Eve Eve? That means spending the entire Christmas Eve hanging from this poor choice. Karma I guess.

Eventually the bar dies down, it's 1am and there's only a handful of people. So me and Roni take the sofas and just chat some more. Something so easy and enjoyable with the wonderful lady.

"I don't think I got your name blondie?"

"Emma, it's Emma" I stutter in response, finishing the final bit of my drink and setting the glass on the table before peering at the brunette in front of me.

She's amazing. So fiery yet passionate at the same time. I sit back and watch as the brunette diverts her eyes all over the bar, but deep down I know she's avoiding eye contact. But eventually after a few minutes her eyes match with mine.

"What?" She blushes and flashes those pearly white teeth almost blinding me. She awkwardly nibbles on her lip as I find myself shuffling closer to her. That awkward moment occurs when Roni looks down at my lips that are slowly puckering up to her and back to my eyes. "Are you going to kiss me Em-ma?"

"Not if you don't want me to?" I whisper.

"I don't know what I want anymore" she whispers back, reaching behind her and pulling something from behind her back. It was mistletoe. Surely that's a good sign. "But what I do know is it's Christmas, and I'd be stupid not to have a little fun"

She holds up the mistletoe above her head and that's when I make my move. I need to make sure this is a kiss that will remain evident. A kiss that she will remember when she wakes up aching in the morning. A kiss that she will remember me by because who knows when I will see this remarkable woman again.

My hand drifts up to her jaw, slowly where my palm sits and my fingers curl behind her neck, to pull her closer. I quickly run my tongue along my lips to wet them just a little, before connecting them with her perfect plump ones. But I didn't stop there. My other hand found her waist where I tugged her closer and maybe we was caught up in the moment, or maybe this is just a little bit of fun that we won't remember, but she lifts a leg over my thighs and straddles me in the kiss. Pushing my back to the back of the sofa. She leans down in the kiss, slowly sweeping her tongue along my lips silently asking for permission which I grant her the access to.

She hums to the kiss as she slowly starts rocking her core against my thighs and I grow more and more wet by the second. I don't know where this woman come from, but she is honestly incredible.

"Roni" I whisper between the kiss, but that doesn't stop the brunette from nibbling on my bottom lip before finding an easy access to my neck, where she divulges in my pulse and marks me like a vampire craving their fix for blood. My hands halt at her hips, stopping her from rocking her core over my body anymore. "Roni"

"What?" She huffs, pulling back from this intimacy and peering down at me.

"You have a bar full of people"

"There's not many"

"There's still about twenty people, and as much as I want to throw you down on this coffee table and have my way with you, I don't think it would be appropriate" I reason. And to see the disappointment yet sexiness in her eyes was agonising, because I know she wouldn't mind experimenting a little with me, but I don't want this to be something it's never going to be. "I like you Roni, you're amazing but I don't want this to be something you will regret in the morning, I'm sure I'll see you again, in a less intoxicated way, and until that day comes..." slowly I peck her lips and she sets me free from the straddle I so clearly wanted to stay in forever. "Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas Em, you know where to find me" she winks as I head out of the bar.

A/n: surprise!! A book is coming, what do you all think of the first chapter? X

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