Final A/N

469 9 39

This book is officially ending.

I'm sorry if you were one of the few people who read this story and enjoyed it. I don't blame you at all. In fact, you guys are the ones who kept this story going for so long, and I really appreciate all your nice feedback!

Unfortunately for you, though, there was much more negative feedback than there was positive.

Let me explain with a few examples:

Goblinshark1234 left the following comments:
"Okay forget it, I tried to look past the unrealistic details but I can't read this anymore. Sorry to the author."
"It kind of ruins the story when the details are ALL wrong. It's fine if it's just a few but this is my limit. Sorry"

And then, she CONTINUED to read the story and leave negative comments. I saw the comment that said she wasn't going to read it anymore and was honestly relieved. But she lied. She kept reading the story and leaving negative comments. She is one of the main reasons this story is ending. Thank her.

You can also thank Himan20 , who has left over fifteen different negative and harsh criticism comments on my story. They are the other main reason this story is ending.

Those are just two of the worst haters out there. There are many, many more. We need to stop the spread of hate on Wattpad.

I had it planned from the start. I know everything that was going to happen. It sucks for the people that enjoyed this story, but... that's life.

To all of my haters, grow the hell up. Get a fucking life. Why would you leave negative comments on my story when there's so much negativity in the world already?

If you don't like my story, don't read it. It's that simple.

This is my official goodbye from this story. You can read my others, but I refuse to continue this story, because I will continue to get criticism. And that's not very good for my depression and anxiety.

I'm doing what makes me happy, which is leaving this story. Forever.

Goodbye, haters.

Again, to the story lovers, thank you for your support. You won many battles, but unfortunately, the haters won the war. I'm sure they're all very happy now.

Fly you high, story lovers.

- Allison

Gregor and the Prophecy of Destruction - a Gregor the Overlander fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now