Chapter 14

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The furious expressions on his parents' faces gave Gregor a temporary feeling of fear. How did they get down here? Did Mrs. Cormaci rat them out?

"Um... hi," Gregor said awkwardly, giving them a small wave.

Gregor's mom glared at him. "I should have known you would come down here. After all Mrs. Cormaci has done for our family, you scare her to death by running off to the Underland again?"

"You don't understand," Gregor pleaded.

"We know enough," Gregor's mom replied. "As soon as Lizzie is better, we're going back to Virginia, and we're never setting foot in New York again."

"Mom," Gregor started. "You don't understand! Didn't you see Luxa's note? There's a prophecy. I have to fulfill it."

"No, you don't," Gregor's mom argued. "Whatever this prophecy says, it's not about you."

"Don't you realize that I've fulfilled four prophecies already?" Gregor responded. "I mean, at this point, what's one more?"

"Every single time you go down here, you almost get killed!" Gregor's mom shouted. "I can't take that risk anymore!"

"Do you think I wanted this?" Gregor yelled. "I never asked to be the stupid warrior! But I am, and I can't do anything about it. Mrs. Cormaci said it herself - even if I run, my destiny will chase me. And my destiny is to save the Underland."

"Maybe it's not," Ripred said from behind. Gregor turned around to face him.

"What are you talking about, Ripred?" Gregor asked firmly.

Ripred lowered his voice so only Gregor and his family could hear. "I never believed in Sandwich's prophecies. Nerissa is just as crazy as him."

Gregor leapt up. "No, she's not! Sandwich was a murderer! Nerissa would never..."

"Keep your voice down!" Ripred whisper-shouted. "Vikus is just around the corner."

Gregor rolled his eyes but lowered his voice. "Listen, I have to stay. The Underland needs me."

"Maybe it doesn't," Ripred repeated. "You have already saved the Underland multiple times."

"Obviously not," Gregor muttered. "Look at us now."

"Us?" Gregor's dad commented. "You're not a part of these people."

"Not everyone down here is bad!" Gregor shouted. "Why don't you guys get it?"

"Calm yourself," Ripred said, hitting Gregor lightly with his tail. Gregor glared at the rat and crossed his arms.

"Gregor..." his dad sighed. "If we allow you to stay..."

"No! That's not an option!" Gregor's mom shouted. "He's leaving."

"But, Mom..."

"Lizzie nearly bled to death!" Gregor's mom screamed. "That can't... that won't happen to any of my children! And it sure as hell wouldn't have happened in Virginia!"

Gregor turned to Ripred. "Please, back me up. I have to stay. You know that. The prophecy clearly mentions me - the warrior. It says that the Underland will die if I don't come!"

"And you came," Ripred replied. "Does the prophecy talk about how long you have to stay?"

Gregor thought for a moment. "Yes! At the end, it asks if I will succeed or fall."

"So?" Ripred said. "How many other prophecies have ended that way?"

"You've manipulated me before," Gregor claimed. "With the Prophecy of Blood! You said I only had to stay for a meeting! But you lied! How do I know you're not lying now?"

Gregor and the Prophecy of Destruction - a Gregor the Overlander fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now