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Hey! Welcome to this book!

It's basically the unofficial continuation of the series, so... the sixth book.

Basically, this "chapter" will include some background information, in case you've never read the Gregor books.



These are the important characters:


Gregor - a now 13 year old boy who is deemed as the Warrior. He's a rager, meaning that he is overcome by a powerful frenzy during battle (Wikipedia).

Boots - Gregor's now 3 and a half year old sister. She is known to the cockroaches as the princess, and is absolutely adorable.

Lizzie - Gregor's now 8 and a half year old sister. EXTREMELY smart, especially good at math and solving puzzles. Suffers from panic attacks.

Luxa - A 13 year old Underlander who is the queen of Regalia. In a romantic relationship with Gregor. Bonded to Aurora and Ripred.

Ripred - A snarky rat that is allied with the humans. A sarcastic but deadly rager. Probably the best fighter alive. Bonded to Luxa. Close with Lizzie.

Aurora - A golden bat that is bonded to Luxa. Keeps to herself most of the time. Newly recovered from a wing injury.

Ares - A big black bat. Was bonded to Henry, and then Gregor, before his death. Faced a lot of discrimination and was treated unfairly. Was killed by the Bane.

Henry - Luxa's cousin. A traitor to the humans. Nearly killed Ripred. Died a long time ago when Ares chose Gregor over Henry, even though Henry and Ares were bonds.

The Bane - An evil, white rat. A very good fighter. Was killed by Gregor while Gregor was flying on Ares.

Nerissa - Luxa's adult cousin. Was able to predict the future. Is now a prophet.

Hazard - Technically Luxa's cousin. Luxa never got to know him until the quest for the cure for a plague (see below). Seven and a half years old. Misses everyone he's lost.

Hamnet - Luxa's uncle and Hazard's father. Ran away, into exile, after accidentally drowning a bunch of people and rats years ago. Was killed by ants.

Vikus - Luxa's grandather. A kind, old man that helped Gregor interpret some prophecies. Always tried to take the peaceful way out. Suffered a stroke due to his wife's death, but he survived.

Solovet - Vikus's wife, Hamnet's mother, and Luxa's grandmother. Didn't mind going to war. Was ambushed by rats and killed.

Mareth - One of Gregor's closest Underlander friends. A former soldier. Has an amputated leg due to an injury by the rats. Has a good sense of humor.

Andromeda - A bat that is bonded to Mareth. A gold and black bat. Very reserved.

Howard - Another one of Luxa's adult cousins. A professional in treating injuries and first aid. Very nice, and very straightforward.

Nike - Newly bonded to Howard. Has a good sense of humor, but is usually pretty quiet. Has black and white stripes. Is a princess of the bats.

Temp - Boots's best friend. A cockroach that is underestimated because he's a cockroach. Nobody listens to him, but he is usually right about things. An underrated character.

Gregor's mom (Grace) - Gregor's protective mother. Deemed "the most fearsome swatter" because she would always swat bugs before she went to the Underland and was stricken with the plague. Sweet, but very strict.

Gregor's dad (name never mentioned) - Gregor's funny dad. Was captured by the rats for years and suffered from PTSD after he was rescued. Never truly became himself again, but he tried.

Mrs. Cormaci - Gregor's former neighbor. Super sweet, and sort of a guardian angel to Gregor's family, who is financially troubled. Very understanding. Knows about the Underland.

Non-canon characters such as Eliana, Justin, Clawsin, etc. should be self-explanatory. You shouldn't have to have any background knowledge on non-canon characters - they will be explained as much as they need to be in the book!

Here's a short summary of the first (original) 5 books for you, according to Wikipedia.


In Gregor the Overlander, Gregor and his two-year-old sister Boots fall through a vent in their apartment basement and find themselves in a strange place called the Underland, inhabited by giant animals and pale humans. The Underlanders name Gregor "the warrior" and Boots the "princess" of a prophecy written hundreds of years ago by their founder, Bartholomew of Sandwich. Gregor must go on a quest mentioned in the prophecy to save his lost father, a PoW in a war between the humans and the "gnawers".

In Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane, Gregor is caught up in one of Bartholomew of Sandwich's prophecies once again when Underlanders kidnap his baby sister for her protection, and he reluctantly returns to their subterranean world. The Regalians convince him to embark on a quest to kill a dangerous rat called the Bane whom both the rats and humans believe will lead the gnawers to conquer the Underland. Along the way, Gregor struggles to come to terms with the death of several friends; a newly discovered and very terrifying talent; and the morality of what the Underlanders have asked him to do.

In Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods, A mysterious plague has broken out in the Underland, and yet another of Sandwich's prophecies leads the warm-blooded creatures of the realm to organize a quest for the cure, supposedly located in a dangerous underground Jungle. Gregor is terrified for his friends and more than willing to help, especially as his own mother and bond lie dying in the Regalian hospital. The more they learn about the plague and the political situation of the Underland, however, the more the quest group begins to fear something worse than a simple disease.

In Gregor and the Marks of Secret, the Bane takes control of the gnawers, and genocide is taking place in all corners of the Underland. The Rats drive the Mice out of their homes, killing any left behind. Gregor and his friends must fight to stop him. Gregor, now older and hardened from war, falls in love with Luxa. They sneak out of Regalia and find that the gnawers have driven the Mice out of the jungle and the Fount, their last refuge. They follow a tunnel under the river to the Firelands, a subterranean volcanic wasteland, where the mice have been driven. The air of the Firelands is toxic and ashy, and wipes out entire generations of the peaceful Mice. The Gnawers begin to move towards Regalia, to kill what remains of the Mice species and their human protectors.

In Gregor and the Code Of Claw, the uneasy peace between the humans and gnawers has finally been broken, and everyone expects Gregor to accept his role as "the warrior" and act on his decision to support the humans. He soon finds his entire family drawn into Sandwich's deadly Prophecy of Time, and events around him begin to climax towards a final confrontation with The Bane. Gregor must fight to eliminate this threat to the Underland, and make hard choices about what he is willing to give up in the process.[6]

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