Chapter 5

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Gregor stepped into the room, and he could swear his heart stopped.

Luxa, the beautiful queen of Regalia, looked like her cousin Nerissa.

Her skin wasn't just pale. It was white. Her lips were chapped, and the bags under her eyes were huge and purple. She was unbelievably thin, and all the color had left her face.

"Luxa," Gregor whispered. "Can you hear me?"

Luxa slowly opened her eyes. "Gregor..."

"Yeah, it's me," Gregor said. "I got your letter. I'm going to save Regalia. I'll do it for you."

Luxa smiled weakly. "Don't do it for me. I only have two weeks, anyway."

Gregor looked down. "I... I can't believe that. I have to believe that you'll be okay."

"I just wish I could live my life," Luxa whispered. "With you."

Gregor turned around to face her. He leaned down towards her and pressed his lips to hers. She slowly kissed him back, but she had to pull away to catch her breath.

"Don't die out there," Luxa said with a slight grin.

Gregor nodded. "I'll try my best."

"And tell my bond... I love her."

Gregor cracked a smile as he stroked her hair. "Which one?"

Luxa grinned back. "The nice one."

Gregor chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I'll visit you again soon, I promise."

Luxa waved weakly as Gregor walked out the door. He sighed and took Boots from Lizzie. He held her close.

"I'm so sorry, Gregor."

Gregor looked at him. "It'll be okay, Howard. I'll find a way to save her."

"Well, well, well..." a deep voice said. "If it isn't the Overlanders."

"RIPRED!" Lizzie screamed, running up to the rat and hugging him.

Ripred smiled. "Hey, Liz."

"Hi," Lizzie said, out of breath from excitement. "I missed you so much!"

"Yeah?" Ripred grinned. "You too, Princess."

"I the pincess!" Boots exclaimed.

Ripred smirked. "Nah. Lizzie's more of a princess. You're more of a baby."

"Shut up," Gregor muttered under his breath. Out loud, he said, "Hi, Ripred."

"Warrior," Ripred greeted him. "I smell something in that backpack of yours. Did you bring something for me?"

"Oh, right." Gregor put Boots down and dug out the frozen shrimp and cream sauce. "It needs to be heated in the microwave first. Is there a microwave around here?" He grinned knowingly.

"Oh, just give it to me," Ripred demanded.

"Actually, I'm kind of hungry myself," Gregor commented. "I think I'll keep this."

"Oh, come on!" Ripred snapped, his mouth watering.

Lizzie giggled. "Gregor, you said that was for Ripred!"

"Oh, did he, now?"

Gregor rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Take it." He tosses the frozen meal to Ripred, who gobbled it up instantly, plastic and all.

"Hm. Pretty good," Ripred said, licking his lips. "Good to see you again, by the way."

"Oh, now you're nice?" Gregor thought jokingly.

"Well, I can't stay long. There always seems to be some battle somewhere that needs a good rager," Ripred explained.

"Maybe I can help," Gregor offered.

Ripred looked at Gregor with a slight smirk. "Hello? I said a good rager."

"Oh, please," Gregor said. "I saved the Underland!"

"And who were you trained by? Also, obviously, the Underland is still in chaos," Ripred replied. "I mean, sure, you killed the Bane and all, but..."

"Okay, okay, go fight your battles or whatever," Gregor told him. Ripred nodded with a knowing smirk and let Lizzie pet his fur one last time before he ran off.

"Well, that was fun," Gregor said. "I think I'm ready to go now, though. I have to see Nerissa."

"I'm right here, Gregor."

Gregor spun around to see Nerissa. "Nerissa. I... um... hi."

"I'm guessing Howard told you?" Nerissa asked.

Gregor shrugged. "I haven't seen the prophecy yet. Can you show me?"

"Here's a copy," Nerissa said, handing Gregor a piece of Underland paper. "Sorry, I have to go. I'm parched."

"Wait, Nerissa..." But she was already gone.

"Well, let's take a look at this," Gregor thought, unfolding the paper and reading the lines.


The Underland will die
If he does not come
The one and only Warrior
And where he comes from

The girl must fall
After the blast
And the boy must rise
From the flames and the ash

The sisters of the Warrior
Will play a key role
To restore the Underland
She must fall in the hole

Down the dark path
She'll never awaken
Until the dawn of tomorrow
Where she will be taken

Taken by the rats
In their secret lair
Her death will be the destruction
Of Underlanders everywhere

Blood of a gnawer
Who committed sin
Plus the blood of a killer
Will make a weapon

This weapon may destroy
The rats once and for all
But will he succeed?
Or will the Warrior fall?

A/N: This took me a good 25 minutes to write and interpret. Try to interpret it, I dare you xD

Gregor and the Prophecy of Destruction - a Gregor the Overlander fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now