That Last First Kiss

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Ashley's POV

I'm going to basketball practice I'm so excited for our first game but practice is terrible and I'm like serious! it makes it harder cause of my knee condition.... But I live through it we finally got done with practice my team calls me an animal! I'm our meanest defence player I'm scary so I finally got home I had mounds of homework so I was up in my room studying when around 11:00 ish I hear stumbling around and pounding I got scared then I heard "GET DOWN HERE!" It's my father I'm so scared of him if I haven't said already he beats me to a bad point "COMING" I rush down stair right into one of his punches I scream "WHAT THE HELL!" "Get to work you worthless s***" I thought for a minute "no" "what did you say!?" "I said no" he beats the crap out of me I'm bleeding next I know he has a shovel I blacked out and now I woke up on the curb to him screaming "AND STAY OUT YOU LITTLE B****!!!" I didn't think before I spoke I said "FINE I ALWAYS HATED YOU!!!" I'm crying once he slams the door then I hear someone call "miss! Are you ok!?" I just kept crying he came up to me "are you ok love?" I look up it was a bit dark but he was fairly short for a guy and he was blond with dark roots and his eyes don't get me started I manage to say "y-y-yes I think so" "you took quite a hit!" "What happened?" "Oh god you don't remember!" "Uh n-" just before I could say anymore he picked me up and ran I don't know how far but now we were at a hospital "don't y-" "shhhh one second we need to rush you into the emergency room" "um ok" next I knew I was on a bed and people were asking a bunch of questions like what's my name and how many fingers and that stuff they had to put a cast on my leg I apparently broke it they left and started questioning the guy who brought me here I still don't know what happened

Niall's POV

I couldn't believe what I had seen he hit her with a shovel and literally kicked her out to the curb he yelled some nasty things to her I think he yelled her name um I think it was oh yea Ashley pretty name then the doctors came out "is she ok!? Is sh-" "calm down kid she might have a bit of memory loss are you her boyfriend" " um no I'm not I don't really know her I saw what I'm guessing was her dad hurt her" "can you give us an address" "sure it was the end house on _______ street" "thank you for your time son" "wait! Can I see her?" "Sure for only 10 minutes" "thank you" I walked into the room and she was laying down crying I don't know why "are you um ok" "yes I am fine" "then why are you crying" "I just I don't remember anything I have no clue what my last name is! I just know I'm Ashley and I got hurt and you my mystery guy saved me....what's your name?" "My name is Niall, and it will be fine trust me" I told her everything that happened which just made her cry more I felt horrible. I came over to her bed and put my hand down it hurt she told me the put a cast on her i quickly gave her a hug and she cried in my shoulder when she let go she asked "are you um Niall are you my boyfriend" "um no I'm not I saw you get hurt I don't really know you" "oh ok I just wanna leave" "you can leave when the doctors say" "where can I sleep?" Um crap she doesn't have a place to stay um think fast oh! "You can stay at my place well I share it" "uh with who" "4 other boys you will love them I gotta leave my 10 minutes is up"

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