Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I stared at the lady in front of me; so I was right this was The Black Dagger. A ship run by a mysterious captain, crewed by mythical beings, automatons and androids like Ruby, also it said that the captain takes in lost souls such as Urchins.

I shuddered, remembering all the stories I had heard about this ship and the terrible things that were supposed to take place here. I took a deep breath and looked at her with what I thought to be indifference, trying to hide all fear.

“Captain Blayde I presume?” My voice came out much calmer, and with a lot more attitude then I thought it would, surprising me; must have been the mechanic side of my brain kicking in. The woman’s mouth spread into a tight smile, clearly unamused by my tone of voice and all her crew tensed when they noticed this.

“Correct, and you are exactly?” Her voice still held that bone chilling calmness to it.

“I’m Alicia,” I pause getting a hold of the rage that was building up inside me again, “and I demand to know why you’ve taken us and where we are headed.”

A look, I couldn’t quite identify, quickly flashed across her face and her deep blue eyes flickered over to the brown-haired boy that was the cause of all this. He quickly whispered into her ear what I suspect to be the situation that led us here and a frown quickly flickered across her mouth. Then it hit me, she has no idea why we were brought to her ship and she was mad at the whole scenario. She jerked her head at us and a few of her subordinates grabbed us, again. She looked me straight in the eyes the corner of her mouth twitching up, almost in an apologetic way, like she had to do what she was about to do.

“Take them to the brig!” She turned on her heel and headed back to her cabin, while we were dragged below deck.

We sat tied up back to back, again, but this time the cell was large enough for us to spread out legs out in. I felt the boat rush foreword and Lucas took a sharp intake of air, I had almost forgotten he was there.

“You okay?” I managed to croak out; my mouth had become incredibly dry from all the smoke, yelling, and gusts of wind blasting into our faces up on deck. I felt him nod and shift his body so he was staring out the porthole, just like me.

“You think we’ll die?” The question startled me and I started processing it over in my head. Technically I was already dead, but when I thought about it and all the memories I have, I didn’t want to die, really die. The inevitable was bound to happen though, I mean we were on the Black Dagger, but that didn’t stop me from believing.

“We’ll manage.” Is all I could come up with and that’s how we feel asleep, leaning against each other, staring up at the starry sky above all the smog.

* * *

I awoke to a loud banging coming from my right, and I looked up at the porthole to see it was already dusk, had I really been asleep that long? I twisted my head around so I could see Lucas, he was still asleep, but the metal tray on the ground was empty of all food except an apple and half a cup of water.

“Hey.” I whipped my head up to see a tall beefy looking man standing at the bottom of the stairs, he was glaring at me with his one brown eye, the other one was mechanical and looked as if he was zooming in on us. He lumbered over to the entrance of the cell and opened the door, giving us a creepy toothed grin. “Wake up your friend, the captain wants to see you.”

* * *

The handle clicked into place as the wooden door closed behind us, leaving us alone in the captain’s quarters. We were standing in a small room, a candle-lit lamp swinging back and forth above us; voices could be heard just passed the hallway in front of me. Lucas gave me a worried look; I just shrugged and headed towards the source of the noise.

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