Alternate Entry Five - Through the Forest and to the Carrock

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I didn't know how he did it, but it seemed when Thranduil and I were on better terms he was easier for me to find. He and his son were standing talking so I crossed to a point where they both could see me, waved, then sat myself behind their line of sight so they could continue their discussion and know I was in no way demanding their attention. I was well versed in occupying myself, so the time that passed before the two of them turned to me gave me no reason to quail. I beamed up at them and kicked my feet back and forth from the rock I was seated on. "When do you leave?"

Thranduil's eyes flicked over my traveling clothes and canvas packs. "This afternoon. And you?"

"Whenever the others get down. I'm actually not sure who-all is coming, but I know the most of them at least are from the Blue Mountains. We're going to fetch everyone's belongings."

"And you attend your dwarves?"

"I'm fostered to Bofur now because the new king Dain won't permit me to live in Erebor without being under the responsibility of a specific adult. I chose him."

Thranduil's lips faintly thinned. "Just how many fathers is one child permitted to have?"

"Both came about because of politics, as I understand it," I said with a tiny smile. "I did fight him on it." I shrugged. "There's only so much fighting I can do with kings before I lose ground and I thought it would be fun not to have to live alone, at least."

He lifted his head. "You could have lived with us."

"Would I have been permitted to do so in a proper bedroom?"

Thranduil sighed, and rolled his eyes in as royally dismissive a manner I had ever in my live been privileged enough to witness, and I couldn't help a grinning chuckle.

"I will be well taken care of," I promised. "Gandalf is going most of the way, since he's seeing Bilbo to the Shire. I've looked at the maps and it's on the way."

"How many dwarves are going with you?"

"I don't know, I forgot to ask."

"It would be unfortunate if something were to happen to you on the way."

"I most agree. I am in excellent health this time, I promise. Did you see me scampering on the wall yesterday? Or was it the day before...." I pursed my lips. At their moment of silence I added, in earnest, "I promise I'll stay out of trouble."

"That does not seem to be a talent of yours."

I gaped at him. "Thranduil, be kind! It's not as if it's my fault that I'm surrounded by men who may or may not like each other and that I'm not satisfied with a life holding a needle. Mostly because I may have lied the last time I said I had a crisp hand with said needles."

Legolas smiled. His father stared at me. These two genuinely amused me. They were even better together.

"I shall be back as soon as I reasonably can," I promised. "And after assuring myself that the dwarves I leave behind are still alive I'll henceforth come and visit you, if I may."

"It is a two-month journey in the summer," Thranduil pointed out. "If you do not winter over. That is only in one direction."

"I have summer clothes with me as well. I know it's a hike."

"You are truly terrible at goodbyes, Mabyn of the Mountains."

Delighted to have been allotted a nickname, of sorts, by this particular man I popped off my rock and hitched my fists onto my hips in entirely dramatized indignation. "I am not the one getting all trussed up in such silly things as worrying about my safety when I'm invulnerable and we all know it."

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