Alternate Entry Twenty-Nine - Child Burgular

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"Over here!" the guards now behind me shouted as I bolted. "Headed north!"

In another life I would have set out for the roofs again. They wouldn't have been able to easily follow me there. But I didn't have the strength in me for another climb, and particularly not a fast one. They'd be on me and snatch me down in seconds.

"She's going south!" they shouted again, still in pursuit as I rounded one block and plunged down another. "Green Street headed for Clove!"

I knew I could shout for my guards and they would fly in and save me in seconds if needed, and because of that I still felt as though I had the situation under control. The prospect of being captured by the city's guards didn't frighten me-what would men intent on protecting people do to one little girl? Particularly one wearing clothes of the same style as the elves? The only thing to set me apart was my bright green hat, embroidered over with sewn-on leaves-a gift from Runi, since I still hated the short, hand-length of my hair. I'd never seen the elves wear hats before. Perhaps their hair was just a far better insulator than dwarf and human hair. I should ask sometime.

I skidded on the frosted cobbles as I changed directions again. "A child, about elbow-height!" one of the men pursuing me was shouting, but the notice went out a moment too late as a guard lurched out from behind a corner and threw his arm out when he saw my shadow encroaching from ahead of me. His arm, meant for an adult-sized person, caught me across my face and my feet flew out ahead of me as I landed hard on my back, coughing, as my nose immediately began to bleed.

I rolled over onto my elbows and clamped both hands over my nose, wincing and worried. I'd had trouble with bleeding a bit too much for years. Those who knew me knew about it-these people didn't know me.

A hand reached down from the lit gloom above me, grasped me by the upper arm and hauled me to my feet. I was done running so I just blinked up anxiously at him from over my bleeding nose, and he kept his grip on my arm as he held his lantern closer to inspect my face. He'd already shouted for the others.

Dissatisfied by his lack of recognition of me, he scowled, then dropped the lantern back to his side and gave my arm a tug. "Come on. It's to the head sheriff with you."

Now that there was a problem. Who was I supposed to be now? Just another vagrant child or the foster daughter of a king? Pull a story or to come clean?

We gathered on a street corner with six other guards who had been corralling me. "Anybody recognize her?" They all looked down at me then shook her heads.

"Clothes are too nice for a street-muffin unless she stole them," said one. "She started near the mayor's house, didn't she?"

"I don't recognize the make of the clothes either though," said another. He bent a bit to get a better angle into my wide eyes. "Where you from, lass?"

I also entertained the thought of being unable to speak their language, but I didn't know if that would help me or not. It certainly could, if they came to the correct conclusion on where my clothes were from.

He sighed when I didn't answer, and straightened. "We've had too much trouble with thieves lately. Grant, take her to the sheriff. The rest of us, return to the watch."

The man already gripping my arm tugged me forth and I winced-even moving my shoulders would ache by the time the sun came up. I walked with him without complaint though, entirely willing to do away with the thought of making a run for it. He led me down various streets and I wondered where my elven watchers were, and hoped my capture wasn't distressing them too much. But with only one fellow here with me we all knew how little effort it would take them to recover me if they were truly concerned.

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